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ArgonCoagulator 08-16-2020 04:32 AM

I hit upperbody tonight but I was dragging ass all day so my workout sucked too. I did hit a PR on Standing Dumbell Military Press, I did 2 warm ups sets and 2 work sets with the 65s for 10 reps each set, which for me is an all time PR on that lift. Chins, dumbbell chest press, DB curls all sucked and felt hard. Lateral Raises at the end went well as I did the 35s for 10. Oh well

dustined83 08-21-2020 09:35 PM


Originally Posted by ArgonCoagulator (Post 54484)
Here is a mid cycle physique update. Starting to see a faint outline of my abs, which is a far cry from the big gut I had in the beginning, LOL..

You're looking good argon. Have you tried gh yet?

dustined83 08-21-2020 09:40 PM


Originally Posted by ArgonCoagulator (Post 54465)
So far the glute shots have only given me mild PIP, I did my 2.5ml pin Friday and I can feel it a little if I press on it with my finger. The PIP in the delts is a little more harsh as it was 2ml in the rear delt, but nothing I can't work around. I'll probably just run it for 6-7 weeks, these 2 bottles and call it a good experiment. I have some Kalpa primo on the way, looking forward to trying it!

Man that's still my favorite cycle I've done.
Kalpa primo
Kalpa sust

Felt great and the primo had me feeling like something great and strong af. I know it's different for everyone but I can't really run tren after running primo. For me that was my favorite cycle ever. With th he primo I pinned 600mg a week and took 50mg kalpa primo ace too. Expensive cycle but their primo I knew was legit. Can't say that for most

ArgonCoagulator 08-25-2020 04:22 AM


Originally Posted by dustined83 (Post 54511)
You're looking good argon. Have you tried gh yet?

Not yet, but I have a kit of hygetropin on the way! Gonna try it at just 2ius per day to start.

ArgonCoagulator 08-25-2020 04:26 AM


Originally Posted by dustined83 (Post 54512)
Man that's still my favorite cycle I've done.
Kalpa primo
Kalpa sust

Felt great and the primo had me feeling like something great and strong af. I know it's different for everyone but I can't really run tren after running primo. For me that was my favorite cycle ever. With th he primo I pinned 600mg a week and took 50mg kalpa primo ace too. Expensive cycle but their primo I knew was legit. Can't say that for most

You're actually one of the people who inspired me to try primo! I remember you saying how good it made you look and people noticing at the gym, etc. I might only try 300-400mg per week to start.

dustined83 08-27-2020 04:27 AM


Originally Posted by ArgonCoagulator (Post 54518)
You're actually one of the people who inspired me to try primo! I remember you saying how good it made you look and people noticing at the gym, etc. I might only try 300-400mg per week to start.

Take my word and do 6 you're gonna lose your hair either way. I bet you'll thank me later

ArgonCoagulator 08-28-2020 02:24 AM


Originally Posted by dustined83 (Post 54521)
Take my word and do 6 you're gonna lose your hair either way. I bet you'll thank me later

I know but im trying to preserve it for as long as possible! Lol. I can always take finasteride. I'll do atleast 400mg, maybe 600mg but that's alot of oil to pin..

ArgonCoagulator 08-30-2020 04:28 AM

After Photos
3 Attachment(s)
Alright GBN, although I wasn't able to get totally shredded in 7 weeks, I did lose 7 lbs and tightened up quite a bit.

Here are my after photos!

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