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ArgonCoagulator 07-29-2020 12:53 AM

Blasted Back, Delts and Tris on Sunday. 80mg test base pre workout. Cup of coffee and half a low carb rockstar energy drink.

Chins: 10, 10 , 10 (last 3 reps were half reps)

One-arm Dumbbell Rows: 55 x 12, 75 x 12

Dumbbell Shoulder Press: 25 x 12, 45 x 10, 60 x 12

Lateral Raises: 10 x 20, 25 x 15, 25 x 15

One-arm Tricep Extension: 25 x 12, 30 x 12

ArgonCoagulator 07-29-2020 11:48 PM

Felt a little run down yesterday, which I suspect is partly due to being around a few Covid recovering in-laws, but I managed to do a deload leg workout after drinking a sugar free monster energy drink and pinning 100mg of Kalpa Test Base.

Front Squats: Bar x 15, 115 x 12, 165 x 5, 185 x 5

Romanian Deadlifts: 115 x 10, 115 x 10

Calf Raises: 2 x 25-30

Wasn't much but I was gassed at this point. But I definitely feel better today. Leg workouts always make me refreshed nthe next day.

dustined83 07-30-2020 06:06 AM

How's the dhb with pip?

ArgonCoagulator 07-31-2020 08:38 PM


Originally Posted by dustined83 (Post 54478)
How's the dhb with pip?

For me it's not bad bro. Not much different than any other gear, maybe a little harsher.

ArgonCoagulator 08-03-2020 03:40 AM

Ok my Bruddahs, my A/C went out for a couple days so I didn't sleep worth a crap for 2 nights so due to extreme heat in my apt and fatigue, my Thursday chest and bicep workout ended up being 3 sets of pushups and 2 sets of curls.

Tonight however, I had a good Back, Delt and Tri workout.

Chins 3 x 10

One-arm Db Row 55 x 12, 75 x 17-18

Db Military Press 25 x 12, 45 x 10, 60 x 17-18

Lateral Raises 25 x 15, 30 x 17-18

Db skullcrushers 25 x 10, 25 x 12

One-arm Tricep extensions 25 x 15, 25 x 12

Everything was like 5 reps more than last week, the reps just kept going like nothing. I wrote 17-18 reps because I forgot which lifts were 17 or 18 reps but they were all in that range. Might be safe to increase the weight 5lbs, lol.

Cycle recap:

DHB 300mg
Test P 300mg
Winny 30mg/day

(Pinning M-W-F)

Mon & Fri: 500iu HCG and 10mg Cialis

ArgonCoagulator 08-03-2020 03:42 AM

1 Attachment(s)
Here is a mid cycle physique update. Starting to see a faint outline of my abs, which is a far cry from the big gut I had in the beginning, LOL..

ArgonCoagulator 08-10-2020 04:35 AM

Upperbody workout from Sunday. Switching to upper lower for a while since I started a fairly physically demanding job, so the upper lower routine will let me train as often or less often as I feel like. I kinda like upper/lower bc after an upper body sessions everything is pump and everything recovers and becomes full and bigger at the same time a few days later, etc.

Standing Military Press
Bar x 12, 95 x 8, 135 x 6 x 3 sets

One Arm DB Row
55 x 12, 85 x 10 x 2 sets

Bench Press
115 x 10, 165 x 10 x 2 sets (I was just happy to be able to bench full range with little irritation in my right pec, reps done very slow and deliberate)

Alternating DB Curls
25 x 10, 35 x 10, 40 x 10

Lateral Raises
25 x 15 x 2 sets

Cup of Joe and 100mg test base, 20mg winny pre workout

ArgonCoagulator 08-10-2020 04:40 AM

I forgot to post my previous Squat workout but I worked up to 280 x 5, but at the 3rd rep my left foot started cramping so I had to rack it early. So I just did another set of 3 to make up for it. I'm certain I would've gotten all 5 reps if my foot didn't cramp. Then I dropped the weight to 205 and banged out 10 reps.

45cmbiceps 08-12-2020 09:22 AM

Thank you for your log.


Originally Posted by ArgonCoagulator (Post 54486)
I forgot to post my previous Squat workout but I worked up to 280 x 5, but at the 3rd rep my left foot started cramping so I had to rack it early. So I just did another set of 3 to make up for it. I'm certain I would've gotten all 5 reps if my foot didn't cramp. Then I dropped the weight to 205 and banged out 10 reps.

ArgonCoagulator 08-14-2020 01:22 AM

Alright I just hit 285 x 5 on squats for a new PR. This time I drank plenty of water beforehand to ward off my infamous foot cramps that like to occur while having heavier weight on my back. I also squat barefoot in my living room so idk if that contributes. I did get a slight foot cramps going from the 4th to 5th rep but it was mild enough for me to finish the set. I also hit 205 x 12 as a back off set with no problem, just powered through like a mad man on DHB! LOL. Gonna finish up right now with 2-3 sets of RDLs with 115 and 4 sets of 30 reps of calf raises. Keep killing it bros!

Edit: Ok FTR I'm doing 3 x 10 of RDLs w/115 as the first two sets were pretty easy. I'll probably start pyramiding up in weight on these.

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