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ArgonCoagulator 07-12-2020 05:20 AM

I decided to go ahead and switch to test prop and begin my winny tabs tomorrow. I should be receiving DHB by the 20th.

My cut cycle outline:

- Test prop 50mg/day (I will drop this in the last week)

- DHB 50mg/day

- Winstrol 20mg/day (pyramid dose up to 50mg/day)

I am doing my cardio outside in 90+ degree heat, so that should allow for a good thermogenic effect. I'm at 25 minutes EOD and I will gradually increase that to 45 mins, 4-5 days a week. Weight Training will remain as Push, pull, legs, 3 days a week, plus a massive pump session right before i take "after" photos. Let's do it!

ArgonCoagulator 07-13-2020 07:35 AM

Sunday's Pull Day

Pre-workout: 10mg Winstrol, 50mg test base, 500iu HCG

Chins: 3 sets to near failure, 3rd set beyond failure via partials.

1-arm DB Row: 3 progressive sets of 10 reps

Supinating Curls: 3 progressive sets of 10 reps

Hammer Curls: 2 progressive sets of 10 reps

Tommorow: cardio

ArgonCoagulator 07-15-2020 01:06 AM

Did a 'heavy' squat day. Pinned 75mg test base and took 10mg winny. What I'm basically doing, since I'm only hitting legs once a week is this:

Week 1: Work up to a 5 rep max
Week 2: Work up to a 3 rep max (using 2.5-5% more weight than the 5rm, so I'll easily hit 3 reps)
Week 3: Work up to max set of 5 using previous 3RM.
Week 4: deload with sets of 10 front squats.

My top sets today

Back Squats: Bar x 10, 135 x 5, 205 x 3, 265 x 5 (clean)

Romanian DL: Bar x 5, 95 x 5, 145 x 6 nice stretch to mid shin

Lunges: BW for 2 x 10 getting the groove down, can easily do 30s or 40s

1-leg Calf Raises 4 x 10-15

Real simple and basic, still working on catching up leg strength and size since I never used to train them. Trust me, this is really good for me, lol.

I did my 92 degree cardio yesterday, lol just one lap around the lake so about 20 mins since leg day was the next day. I'm going to start jacking up the cardio to 2 laps around the lake for about 40 mins of hot, thermogenic cardio every other day for now so I'm basically lifting 3 days a week and doing 3-4 cardio sessions. I'll be starting DHB soon instead of tren.

ArgonCoagulator 07-15-2020 06:27 PM

Got in exactly 40 min of brisk walking this morning. I walked around the lake twice and around the pond once. Broke a nice sweat! I've switched to diet soda and sugar free snacks.... I have about 7 weeks to lose this lard!

ArgonCoagulator 07-17-2020 01:40 PM

Classic Chest and Biceps Day Folks!

(Fueled by 75mg Test Base)

Bench Press
Incline Press
Incline Flyes
Barbell Curls
dumbbell Curls

I'm training 3 days a week plus 3-4 cardio session on off days, which is walking 2 laps around the lake so about 40 mins.

Training schedule is inspired by Dorian Yates's old routine when he did a 3-day split.

Mon: Back, Shoulders and Tris

Wed: Legs

Fri: Chest and Biceps

Maybe it's my genetics or metabolism but I just get better results training 3 rather than 4-5 days. I can recover from more days of training, but results seem slower and I feel like I'm just going through to motions. With a day off after each session I feel like I can go hard. With the cardio I'm active atleast 6 days a week so that's pretty good to me.

ArgonCoagulator 07-20-2020 11:14 PM

Here is Sunday's Back, Shoulder and tricep workout. It was a hell of a workout, more tiring than I expected and was my first time working that combo of muscles together.

Chin-Ups 3 sets - 10, 9, 8

One-arm Db Row 2 sets - 55 x 10, 75 x 10

Neutralgrip Db Shoulder Press - 45 x 12, 55 x 10, 55 x 8

Lateral Raises 15 x 20, 25 x 15, 25 x 15

One-arm Db Tricep Extension, superset with curls 25 x 13, 25 x 13

Today I did another two laps around the lake at around 10am, 40 minutes of steady state cardio in the heat.

I started 100mg of DHB w/50mg of test prop on Saturday and did another pin today with .5mg of arimidex. I'm a lucky one who doesn't seem to experience hardly any PIP at all from DHB. Also, since the first shot of DHB, I feel like it has raised my body temperature quite a bit which should aid in thermogenesis.

To recap my cycle:

Mon: DHB 100, Test Prop 50
Wed: DHB 100, Test Prop 50
Fri: DHB 100, Test prop 50, test C 125 (for a weekend boost)

Winny tabs 20mg/day

ArgonCoagulator 07-22-2020 09:22 PM

Last night's Leg session!

Back Squats: 135 x 5, 205 x 3, 275 x 5 (PR), 255 x 5

RDLs: 95 x 8, 145 x 8, 145 x 8

Lunges: BW x 10, 25s x 10, 25s x 10

Calf Raises: 3 sets of 30 reps

Cycle update:

Decided to do 100mg of test prop instead of 50. Increased winny to 30mg/day.

Mon- Test P 100mg, DHB 100mg
Wed- Test P 100mg, DHB 100mg
Fri- Test P 100mg, DHB 100mg, Test C 125mg

Gonna get some walking in today. Just 25min instead of 40 due to some leg soreness. My left quad started cramping halfway through but I shook it off and was able to keep going.

ArgonCoagulator 07-25-2020 02:19 AM

Yesterday was Chest and biceps. Same exercises as last week except I did flat dumbbell flyes instead incline and it actually gave me a way better pump! I didn't go very heavy on pressing due to my right pec still not feeling right when I bring the bar down. I've been stopping several inches above the chest and not going heavy but it's still not healing so I may need to focus on overhead pressing and just do dumbbell pressing for a while for reps. I did this a couple years ago when i had pec issues and it seemed to work.

dustined83 07-25-2020 06:26 PM

How's the dhb? I can't take cyp esters so I know it would cripple me

ArgonCoagulator 07-26-2020 04:16 AM


Originally Posted by dustined83 (Post 54463)
How's the dhb? I can't take cyp esters so I know it would cripple me

So far the glute shots have only given me mild PIP, I did my 2.5ml pin Friday and I can feel it a little if I press on it with my finger. The PIP in the delts is a little more harsh as it was 2ml in the rear delt, but nothing I can't work around. I'll probably just run it for 6-7 weeks, these 2 bottles and call it a good experiment. I have some Kalpa primo on the way, looking forward to trying it!

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