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stillgoingstron 01-28-2015 12:45 PM

It's called overtraining mate. That phenomenon that doesn't exist ;)

andyebs 01-29-2015 10:09 AM

do you think as have upped what im doing rep whys and prob one or two more sets in
as went from 5x5 to what being doing of late
sort of plan was two sets high reps low wieght and two sets low reps high wieght with few curve ball chucked in
also due to dog im doing 10km min everyday weather light jog or walk still quite bit and that was from doing nothing at all cardio wise
so probly am just bit drained
in fact im shattered as one walk is early morning sort of fasted i suppose as well as dont eat till get back maybe have to see if can fit light snack or something in first
and the weather get me down im defo summer person

stillgoingstron 01-29-2015 10:31 AM

I wouldn't mind betting that as you're doing a log that subconsciously you're doing more than you realise.

If I were you I'd either take a week off or if you really can't face doing that drastically reduce your weights and sets for a week. You'll come back raring to go both mentally and physically and it wont halt your progress. It'll almost certainly kick start it.

Purely by coincidence I've just read a quote by Jay Cutler who said 'a week off training, followed by a few weeks of less than full effort training should enable your body to make better progress over the long term.'

I suppose it really depends how far into your training cycle you are as to how much rest you need but I think its fair to say the balls to the wall training can only work for so long.

I definitely found over the years that the occasional short break worked for me. That was as a natural but I still think the same principle applies.

One sign of overtraining is a lack of interest btw

andyebs 01-29-2015 01:48 PM

yeah i see i have had to motivate myself to go as also lost strengh at a time where it should be rocketing so ego deflated aswell

and been at it solid for as long as can remember now alwas pushing maybe little light week or few days off may do good maybe do week with 2 days full bodys of compounds as do go 5 days a week and have done for some time now

stillgoingstron 01-29-2015 02:43 PM

Honestly mate, you're showing all the symptoms of over training. Lack of progress and lack of motivation being the top two. Keep going like this and you'll lose muscle and get fat. I can almost guarantee that after a week you'll be itching to go again and if you start to feel the same again fairly soon you'll need a bit more time off.

You've made great progress in the last few years. Its not going to suddenly disappear after a week off.

Try it and tell me I'm talking out of my arse if it doesn't help 😊

andyebs 01-30-2015 08:14 AM

yeah im going to take week off
and start with light week then see how i feel

stillgoingstron 01-30-2015 01:15 PM

There you go Andy. Your water's dirty :D

andyebs 02-04-2015 10:15 AM

no progress or training to show
may start back friday for light legs as last thrs was last time in gym
and have loads creatine so starting to take that from weds start at about 7g for week or to then drop to 5g
also looking in my box i have loads dbol and tbol and even oral tren may use one of these up as comming off in march for while as been over 6 months now with blast and cruise
my brain is saying fuck it stay on but i know ill get more from next cycle with good break
thats about my update
done few chins on my home bar couldnt resist but thats all training done since thrs

andyebs 02-10-2015 08:40 AM

boom back in the gym
chest day

decline barbell press 12,10,6,dropset
flat dumbell press 10,10,8,8
flys supersetedwith pull overs 10,10,10

done was quick onw but felt great
will get gym selfie today as swore ive grown even when on week break

andyebs 02-10-2015 12:31 PM

few photo updates shit at selfies but can see change in myself so feeling good

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