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andyebs 01-05-2015 10:23 AM

andys journal
right journal start ill try to put as much info as can
current wieght 82kg
5,7 hight that wont change lol
about 3 weeks ago started test e 500mg and tren e 400mg cycle doses are per week
well update daily with workout and food intake
i dont use any supps apart from protien and at moment cod liver oil ease up joints but may add some creatine will update when know
the juice i have is mix some is kapla and some is burr labs
will add photo of me taken last week will get one this week with news papper date on so know its right time frame
next update will be tomorrow and give all details for today ie food training

stillgoingstron 01-05-2015 10:26 AM

Looking forward to this one mate. Last year or so has definitely been good for you.

ps your height might change as you get older! The only way is not always up :rolleyes:

andyebs 01-05-2015 10:57 AM


Originally Posted by stillgoingstron (Post 39273)

Looking forward to this one mate. Last year or so has definitely been good for you.

ps your height might change as you get older! The only way is not always up :rolleyes:

yeah thanks mate did feel like was good year for my bodybuild last year smashed all goals really so bring on 2015

andyebs 01-06-2015 08:59 AM

forgot to say im bulking but am cleaning up diet as december was mince pies and cakes and chocolate so lost any show of abs had left
not looking to lose fat just not pile it on as much as have over last month so this is bulk

monday 5/01

meal 1 2 weetabix full fat milk and honey and protien shake
meal 2 3whole eggs and 3 egg white and half cup of porrage oats and also half pint of milk been really enjoying my milk lately
then gym with protein shake and bannana after
meal 3 chicken potatoes and carrots with gravy whats known as a sunday roats in uk my meal 3 is always exactly same as the night before dinner
meal 4 tuna and pasta some peppers and sweetcorn in
meal 5 chicken and bacon with rice with bit sauce no idea what was
meal 6 3 scrambled eggs whole and half cup porrage oats with milk
meal 7 granola with greek yogaurt

gym workout was of course chest as was monday
started as
flat barbell bench 12,12,8,6 then droped weight and done 10 reps and about 4 just negative where sptter lifts and you just lower once your positive is failed something im giving a try and got gym buddy so dont train alone now
then incline dumbell press 10,10,8,8
cable fly i start at top and knock down bit so about 6-7 sets and last set will be at bottom something else giving try
also i do warm up like for rotator cuff few chest streaches and few press ups

that was about my monday
forgot to get pic with date will try do that tonight

admin 01-06-2015 06:44 PM

How much water you drink bro?

andyebs 01-07-2015 09:01 AM

with every meal i drink a pint and maybe 3 pints in between i really think i drink lot of water
and of eve im weed smoker so always drinking to get rid of dry mouth
also 5-6 coffea a day

right tues 7/01

monday 5/01

meal 1 2 weetabix full fat milk and honey and protien shake
meal 2 3whole eggs and 3 egg white and half cup of porrage oats and also half pint of milk
then gym with protein shake and bannana after
meal 3 chicken and bacon with rice my rice also always brown rice try for basmati
meal 4 wieght gainer as didnt pick up meal but was 1000cals one had to chew it down lol
meal 5 steak tats and veg
meal 6 fried eggs on toast
meal 7 bowl of shredded weat
meal 8 salmon and cheese and chive roll got bit peckesh before bed

my diet dosent really change that much from day to day

gym workout
my fave day back day
wide grip chins 7,7,7,5 failed a bit hear wanted 4 x 7 but failing is good
barbell rows 15,12,10,6
deadlifts 10,10,10 this is so light at moment as knee not only prevents squating but hinders deads to
(have bad knee at moment if didnt know )
close grip cable row 10,10,8,6
i have no set reps in mind just trying to push it every time ie with first barbell row thought id only do 10 but felt light so went as far as could

andyebs 01-07-2015 09:05 AM

some of goodies i have

andyebs 01-08-2015 10:53 AM

weds 7/01
ill cut the food bit out as pretty much same and will inform of any change

delts and traps
dubell press 12,10,8,6
side raise dumbell 12,10,10,10
bent over raise 12,10,10,10
front raise with plate 10,10,10
shrugs 10,10,10,8

that was it as chatting more than training so time run out

andyebs 01-09-2015 09:14 AM

thrs 9/07

diet basically same as first days oh the joy of eating the same shoit day in

close grip bench press 12,10,8,8
seated dumbell curl 12,10,8,8
overhead ez bar extension 12,10,10,10 kept low wieght as have slight hinder in elbow/forarm and any higher lose form not from strengh just wobble hoep clears up
ez bar standing curl 10,10,10,10 on last 2 sets couple of cheat reps at end
rope pushdown 10,10,8,8
reverse preacher curl 10,10,10,10 this was mainly for forarms

legs today have bad knee so this will be pussy workout

andyebs 01-09-2015 09:23 AM

latest pic not much of change maybe some vascularity due to cleaned up deit

andyebs 01-12-2015 10:56 AM

sorry for deley allways busy weekend

anyway leg day wasnt to bad
first calf raises seated 12,12,10,10,6
then leg press 15,15,15,15,15 obv high rep due to low wieght as ban kneee witch really felt like it freed up
standing leg curl hams 12,10,8,8
then leg curls 10,10,8,6

paige 01-12-2015 02:20 PM

Bad Knees suck

andyebs 01-13-2015 08:31 AM

yeah tell me about it really sucked over last few months seems to be really clearing up so onwards and upwards with leg training

also my misses got a dog so gone from no cardio from knee to now at least 2 hours a day as misses got huskie and they do keep on going

international chest day

flat dumbell press 12,10,8,6
incline barbell press 12,10,8 ,last set was 10 reps and 3 negatives only this is reall killing it ou get to piont where ou cant even lower it
cable flys again ,10,10,10,10 quite light really concertrating on form and squuezing chest hold and release
thats it in and out in 35 mins now days

stillgoingstron 01-13-2015 08:58 AM

Ha ha. You can't beat owning a dog for getting you out there. Even if you really don't want to!

Mine's a German Shepherd. He takes me out for an hour every day in the winter and an hour and a half plus in the summer. Definitely keeps me going :D

andyebs 01-14-2015 08:49 AM

tue 13/01

back day

had liitle streach and warm up
then went striaght into deads
deadlifts 12,10,6,5 was happ as just started these again other week due to knee
machine row 12,10,8,6 wasnt in plan but gym is bus at mo
low cable row 12,10,6,6
wide grip latt pull down 10,10,10,10 done these slow holding it at full streach and aat bottom

andyebs 01-15-2015 09:43 AM

bad head ache all da witch effected traing never felt like killed it
was going to take something
but bro science says pain killers can hinder gains

anywas delts and traps

machine press 12,10,8,8
cable raise side 10,1010,10
front cable raise 8,8,8
rear delt machine 10,10,8,8

tbar shrugs 12,10,8,8
upper row with kettle bell bloody busy gym 15,15,15,15,

andyebs 01-16-2015 08:47 AM

thrs 15/01

dips 12,12,8,8 last two wieghted
seated dumbell curl 12,10,10,10 got 10 on all as was heavy so if got 6 reps droped and finished the 10
rope pushdown 20,20,20,20 form and high reps
superman cable curls 12,10,10,8
cable kick back 20,20,20,20 i like cable over dumbell as tension all the way and dam hard getting 20 reps out thought was going to die

that was it its high reps from what i normally do but just tring things out

also ill get pic over weekend and wiegh myself see if gained

Huge Tom 01-16-2015 05:42 PM

Looks good bro.

How much cardio you do?

Originally Posted by andyebs (Post 39295)
some of goodies i have

Cornish_Celt 01-16-2015 06:24 PM


Originally Posted by Huge Tom (Post 39390)
Looks good bro.

How much cardio you do?

He's gone and bought a Husky so he does way too much cardio lol :D

andyebs 01-19-2015 09:29 AM


Originally Posted by Cornish_Celt (Post 39391)
He's gone and bought a Husky so he does way too much cardio lol :D

yep agree there dogs draining me having to drink gainers to keep up cals so dont lose

anways legs went really well again

leg curl 15,15,15,15,
leg press 15,15,12,12,
standing leg curls 12,10,8,8
seated calf raise 12,12,10,10
smith machine squats 12,12 only 2 sets dont want to push mself to much just nice training legs again
and high reps for same reason
today is chest
also fishing sat night to sunday and theres no clear deit when fishing had cold tuna and pasta and mince and pasta but rest is eat when hungry and sarnies and crap really but had really nice fish so was worth it even though was freezing cold

dfwtp 01-19-2015 02:52 PM

any supplements?

andyebs 01-20-2015 12:53 PM

not really any supps
have protien and wieght gainers
do have creatien but havent used in a while

anyway monday

incline barbell press 20,18,16,12 yes those are correct just switching things up with high reps lately not done before and just want to see how react live and learn and that still new to iron game so want to understand my body more

flat press 12,12,6,6 dropset after about 15 reps as was 5 reps then drop
machine fly/peck dec 10,10,10,10
thats all had time for high reps does take time may or manot be for me as im limited time but we will see

now ill do today as have trained so back day
chins 4 sets to failure
machine latt thingy i dont know what is called but 10,10,8,6
deads 10,10,8,2 proper failed on last one just didnt have it in me witch is bad as not as heavy as last week but deads was first thing done last week
barbell row 10,10,10,10
close crip cable row 10,10 time had me couldnt finish

so thats both das all caught up
i really will get few pics soon so busy

andyebs 01-22-2015 09:07 AM

weds 21/01
delt n traps

barbell press seated 12,12,10,6
side raises 10,10,10,10
rear delt machine 12,10,8,8
plate front raise 10,10,8,8

upper rown 8,8,8,8
shrugs 10,10,8,8

sitting around 83kg so no great increase but have lost little bodyfat so need to up some food going to be having gainer 1100cals before bed now

andyebs 01-23-2015 10:50 AM

think got cold comming witch dont help loss of strengh in gym and appitite

anway pushed on

dembell curls 10,8,8,6
skull crushers and when failed with it close griped bench pressed till failure aswell mainly about 10 reps on each 4 sets so each set was 20 reps
standing ez curl 10,10,8,8
hammer curl 8,8,6,6
rope pushdown 10,10,10,8

that was it

stillgoingstron 01-24-2015 02:33 PM

Be interested to see what difference the gainer makes!
Nice log mate.

andyebs 01-26-2015 09:04 AM

i hate them sometimes so lumpy im chewing it down
but got to do what i need

andyebs 01-26-2015 03:13 PM

took this toda making some gains
promise will get full pics when not busy life just seems so hectic at moment and only really have misses to ask

andyebs 01-26-2015 03:16 PM

pic wrong way round

andyebs 01-27-2015 09:09 AM

was chest day yesterday
also my Y on keys playing up so please excuse

flat dumbell press 12,10,8,4 pushed on last set used the 44kg dumbells not masive but m best so far so bit of strength coming back
incline barbell press 4 sets rest pause as in hold it inch off chest for few seconds the drive up was quite light and didnt count reps just added wieght each time and done it till failed every set
cable flys 12,10,10,10
machine press 3 sets 12 if couldnt get 12 i droped weight to get 12 like sport of drop set
i superseted this witch machine flys sort of same reps as machines next to each other and not used so there was no rest was press then into fly then back into press

andyebs 01-28-2015 12:31 PM

tues back
chins 4 sets to fail witch was 10,10,8,5 ish didnt really count
machine row 10,10,8,8
deads 12,10,6,no lift just didnt have it in me my mind needs to overcome cos this was wight lifted last week and lifted heavier before but may also be due to knee may do it from rack next week
cable row 12,10,8,8 attachment is wideish with side grip im sure people know what is i just dont know name

weds delts & traps
dumbell press 12,12,6,6
side raise 10,10,8,8
rear rasie 10,10,10,10
front raise plate 10,10,10
smith upper rows 10,10,10
shrugs 12,10,8,8,4

thats upto day now
no strengh gains at moment really feel have cold but not bed ridden ill just lacking in normal me cant put it down to anything

stillgoingstron 01-28-2015 12:45 PM

It's called overtraining mate. That phenomenon that doesn't exist ;)

andyebs 01-29-2015 10:09 AM

do you think as have upped what im doing rep whys and prob one or two more sets in
as went from 5x5 to what being doing of late
sort of plan was two sets high reps low wieght and two sets low reps high wieght with few curve ball chucked in
also due to dog im doing 10km min everyday weather light jog or walk still quite bit and that was from doing nothing at all cardio wise
so probly am just bit drained
in fact im shattered as one walk is early morning sort of fasted i suppose as well as dont eat till get back maybe have to see if can fit light snack or something in first
and the weather get me down im defo summer person

stillgoingstron 01-29-2015 10:31 AM

I wouldn't mind betting that as you're doing a log that subconsciously you're doing more than you realise.

If I were you I'd either take a week off or if you really can't face doing that drastically reduce your weights and sets for a week. You'll come back raring to go both mentally and physically and it wont halt your progress. It'll almost certainly kick start it.

Purely by coincidence I've just read a quote by Jay Cutler who said 'a week off training, followed by a few weeks of less than full effort training should enable your body to make better progress over the long term.'

I suppose it really depends how far into your training cycle you are as to how much rest you need but I think its fair to say the balls to the wall training can only work for so long.

I definitely found over the years that the occasional short break worked for me. That was as a natural but I still think the same principle applies.

One sign of overtraining is a lack of interest btw

andyebs 01-29-2015 01:48 PM

yeah i see i have had to motivate myself to go as also lost strengh at a time where it should be rocketing so ego deflated aswell

and been at it solid for as long as can remember now alwas pushing maybe little light week or few days off may do good maybe do week with 2 days full bodys of compounds as do go 5 days a week and have done for some time now

stillgoingstron 01-29-2015 02:43 PM

Honestly mate, you're showing all the symptoms of over training. Lack of progress and lack of motivation being the top two. Keep going like this and you'll lose muscle and get fat. I can almost guarantee that after a week you'll be itching to go again and if you start to feel the same again fairly soon you'll need a bit more time off.

You've made great progress in the last few years. Its not going to suddenly disappear after a week off.

Try it and tell me I'm talking out of my arse if it doesn't help 😊

andyebs 01-30-2015 08:14 AM

yeah im going to take week off
and start with light week then see how i feel

stillgoingstron 01-30-2015 01:15 PM

There you go Andy. Your water's dirty :D

andyebs 02-04-2015 10:15 AM

no progress or training to show
may start back friday for light legs as last thrs was last time in gym
and have loads creatine so starting to take that from weds start at about 7g for week or to then drop to 5g
also looking in my box i have loads dbol and tbol and even oral tren may use one of these up as comming off in march for while as been over 6 months now with blast and cruise
my brain is saying fuck it stay on but i know ill get more from next cycle with good break
thats about my update
done few chins on my home bar couldnt resist but thats all training done since thrs

andyebs 02-10-2015 08:40 AM

boom back in the gym
chest day

decline barbell press 12,10,6,dropset
flat dumbell press 10,10,8,8
flys supersetedwith pull overs 10,10,10

done was quick onw but felt great
will get gym selfie today as swore ive grown even when on week break

andyebs 02-10-2015 12:31 PM

few photo updates shit at selfies but can see change in myself so feeling good

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