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Huge Tom 09-07-2016 12:29 PM

If you'd be given a free steroid cycle, what would it be?
If you'd be given a free steroid cycle, what would it be?

Just write it in down:)

stillgoingstron 09-07-2016 12:57 PM

Bit boring I know but to start the ball rolling it's a straight Test E cycle for me
Done quite a few different compounds now and decided Test E does all I want

andyebs 09-07-2016 01:31 PM

think if was given free cycle

I would go for
test e 500mg-750mg week
primoblan 500mg-600mg per week
with oral maybe androl or winny or maybe halo

reason are test is for base really
primo always wanted to try but bit pricy will end up sooner or later
and the orals are 3 that I have never used

so basically would be using the cycle to try new stuff I haven't (YET) tried

if price wasn't issue HGH would be chucked it too 6 months 5iu day mon-fri

admin 10-31-2017 01:59 PM

Primo + Primo + HGH :)

andyebs 11-01-2017 09:24 AM

think now id be planning ahead for next year cutting
so would be TTM

and bit of var for the end

ironman 11-27-2017 08:00 AM

Test + Tren

45cmbiceps 01-13-2018 11:02 AM

Test/Anavar/Primo/Masteron and HGH :P

erich1b 01-15-2018 12:52 AM

Test C, Nandrolone Cypionate, Tren E, Mast E, Tbol, 8iu GH/day, Humalog post workout. That ought to cover it.

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