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  #1 (permalink)  
Old 05-08-2018, 05:00 PM
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Post What is Helios and how does it work

I found this on internet and decided to share with those who might look for such information.

Helios was originally developed by an idea from the legendary body-building guru Dan Duchaine. Generic Supplements is selling this extremely potent solution on the bodybuilding market. The ingredients (Clenbuterol and Yohimbine HCL) are forbidden in almost every country, as well as administration via injection. This is only allowed by a doctor or medical trained nurse. But this form of administration is also the best way for spot reduction.

The art of spot reduction.

When you begin a diet, you may notice that you lose fat very unevenly on your body. The areas you don't wish to concentrate your fat loss seem to be most responsive to the restriction of calories. On the other hand, the areas you desire to shed fat seem to be unaffected by the diet. In women, the breasts may be shrinking, while the lower body remains as fat as it was. In men, even if the waist is getting smaller, the abs are not getting any more visible. Why put your body through a tough and often unhealthy diet if unwanted inches of fat remain? What we want is a specifically targeted fat loss, but we are told that spot reduction is impossible! Is this true?

Rather than an overall and even fat reduction, the weight loss will be more "spot specific". Popular belief is that we can not spot reduce fat. This is however a myth, because the human body does, but unfortunately it doesn't necessarily do it in the places we wish it to. What we have to do, is to redirect the fat destruction in areas we want to shrink rather than everywhere else. Please realise that your abs are not covered by that much fat. Imagine if one could concentrate the fat loss exclusively in that particular area. It is the same thing for the women who could easily lose their lower body fat by strictly concentrating the fat reduction there.

Best sites for application as mentioned above are the triceps, "love handles", thighs, gluteus and the "saddle bags" or waist (basically any area that has fat accumulation). These areas will vary from person to person, though the above listed are the most common. The fat that fails to disappear even through a strict diet is called "stubborn fat". Typically, so called stubborn fat is estrogenic by nature, however some people just have high numbers of A2 receptors. The A2 receptor is highly influenced by oestrogen if you are a women, and if you have estrogenic fat patterns you most likely have large numbers of A2 receptors.
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  #2 (permalink)  
Old 05-08-2018, 05:02 PM
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Yohimbine HCL

The reason why 'Yohimbine hcl' is included in Helios is that it binds to the A2 receptor and blocks Norepinephrine(and other A2 agonist including oestrogen) from binding to, and antagonizing it (which inhibits the release of fatty acids). It thus allows for fatty acids to be "burned", hence the stubborn fat will be lost. These two ingredients, Yohimbine and clenbuterol , ‘speed up’ the metabolism of the injected area and provoke a chemical reaction that change fat cells into fatty acids, which will slip through cell membranes and into the bloodstream to be burned. If you don’t burn the freed fatty acids through a firm aerobic workout, your body will store them again in fatty deposits.

Side effects which may occur are loss of appetite, tremors, dizziness, nervousness, restlessness, irregular heart beat, nausea, excessive sweating, diarrhoea and it is also possible to experience other complications due to the weight, or body fat percentage loss that results from its use.
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  #3 (permalink)  
Old 05-08-2018, 05:02 PM
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Why do we spot reduce upside down naturally?

There are two main mediators of fat mobilization. One consists of the circulating hormones such as norepinephrine. They stumble upon fat stores by chance, and will do little to spot reduce. By using oral clenbuterol, we increase the circulation of those lipolytic factors, but we do not truly redirect spot reduction the way we wish to. The chances are, we accentuate the spot reduction in the wrong places. The second pathway is far more interesting. All our adipose stores are innervated by the nervous system a bit like our muscles are. In other words, our brain is directly related to each of our adipose depots. Through the nervous system, the brain can then send neurotransmitters in whatever depot it wishes. Those neurotransmitters (epinephrine and norepinephrine) happen to be the main direct lipolytic hormones. It means that potentially our brain possesses the ability to allow us to spot reduce at will, by sending fat loss mediators in very specific depots. The problem is we do not know how to redirect our brain efforts to help us spot reduce. This is why we spot reduce in the wrong areas: i.e. the places the brain local efforts are the most intense versus the places were it is the laziest.

So, if the brain does not wish to send enough fat loss hormones to the specific areas we want to get rid of, we can do it ourselves by locally injecting those hormones. This way, we can redirect lipolysis where we wish to. It is now possible to spot reduce at will! Whenever I say this, people will get over excited, believing that a single subcutaneous injection will immediately destroy all the fat present. This is not the case as other anti-lipolytic forces are also at play to prevent that. But after a month of local injections plus a proper diet, you will clearly see that those formerly resistant areas are not as hard to get rid of as before. Fat loss will be more evenly distributed, which will indirectly spare muscle mass. In effect, with a classical diet, when you have lost most of your fat except that around the waist, what do you do? Diet harder which translates into an intense muscle cannibalization and a minimal eradication of the waist's fat. By using local injections, this classical suicidal period can be avoided.
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  #4 (permalink)  
Old 05-08-2018, 05:30 PM
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General Guidelines:

Start low to see if you can handle it because it is strong stuff!
I would start with 0,5 ML in the morning and inject straight into
stubborn fat deposit for local fat loss. Then work your-self up to
see how much still is comfortable. Never go higher then 2ML per
day! Because your receptors will degrade it is best to keep the
cycles short.

Sample cycle:
week 1: 0,5ML per day
week 2: 1 ML per day
then stop two weeks
week 5: 0,5ML per day
week 6: 1 ML per day
repeat breaks and repeat usage.

Was looking for personal experience posts and to leave a bit of info for a few other on injectable clenbuterol. I'm getting feedback that its pretty potent and effective. thanks inadvance for all input!!!

(Hyper Thermal Lipolytic System) is an injectible blend of clenbuterol and yohimbine that was originally thought up by Dan Duchaine. This is a product that was developed for the spot reduction of stubborn areas of adipose(fat) tissue, obviously marketed for the bodybuilding community. Currently the only known supplier is Generic Supplements, a popular European underground lab. The compound comes in a 50ml vial containing a blend of Clenbuterol HCL: 40mcg/ml and Yohimbine HCL: 5.4mg/ml.

Helios contains a blend of clenbuterol hydrochloride and yohimbine hydrochloride, a very potent combination of a beta and alpha antagonist.Clenbuterol and yohimbine promote fat loss through the same adrenergic system, but the effects are through very different mechanisms. Clenbuterol is a known thermogenic shown to directly stimulate fat cells and accelerate the breakdown of triglycerides to form free fatty acids. Yohimbine, being an antagonist of alpha-2 receptors can shift the balance of sympathetic activity to a place that measurably stimulates lypolisis. This is further enhanced by an intrinsic ability to increase synaptic norepinephrine release, one of the body's own natural lipolytic hormones. In effect, it serves both beta stimulating and alpha blocking properties, an ideal combination to stimulate fat loss.

Those who have used this product are proof positive that the localized reduction in adipose tissue is absolutely possible. Even in areas that seem to be extremely difficult to shed off fat. To those that believe all injectibles ultimately reach circulation and have no way of staying active in a localized area, Helios is proof that spot reduction is possible.

Being an injecible, you still need to respect the fact that beta-2 receptor downregulation can/will occur, hence the need to cycle this product just as you would oral Clenbuterol.
Start with .5ml(1/2cc) in the morning and inject straight into stubborn fat deposits for local fat loss. Gradually work your way up to a range that you feel is tolerable. I believe working your way slowly up to 2ml per day is ideal with this product. There is absolutely no need to use insane amounts of this mixture as some do with oral clenbuterol.

Common Uses Of Clenbuteral and Injectable Clen
Post-Cycle Therapy: Clenbuterol is used post cycle to aid in recovery. It allows the user to continue eating large amounts of food, without worrying about adding body fat. It also helps the user maintain more of his strength as well as his intensity in the gym. Diet: Roughly the same as on cycle.

Fat loss: The most popular use for Clenbuterol, it also increases muscle hardness, vascularity, strength and size on a caloric deficit. For the most significant fat loss, Clen can be stacked with T3. Diet: A high protein(1.5g per lb of bodyweight), moderate carb(0.5g to 1g per lb of bodyweight), low fat diet(0.25g per lb of bodyweight) seems to work best with Clen.

Alternative to Steroids: Clenbuterol has mild steroid-like properties and can be used by non AS using bodybuilder to increase LBM as well as strength and muscle hardness. Diet: A moderate carb, high protein, moderate fat diet work well.

Precautions: Is Clenbuterol for you?
The same precautions that apply to Ephedrine must be applied to Clenbuterol, although some people find eca - ephedrine - caffeine - aspirin stacks harsher than Clen. It should not be stacked with other central nervous system stimulants such as Ephedrine and Yohimbine. These combinations are unnecessary and potentially dangerous. Caffeine can be used in moderation before a workout for an extra kick, although its diuretic effects may shift electrolyte balance. Drink more water if you use Caffeine.

You should use Injectable Clen carefully and pay attention not to inject to much as injecting clen may be dangerous and if taken to much can cause a heart attck. Because it is injected it has a much stronger affect then tablet or liquid clen expecially cause this formula has Yhombine HCL it it. ''

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  #5 (permalink)  
Old 05-09-2018, 09:09 AM
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  #6 (permalink)  
Old 05-10-2018, 12:58 PM
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May give this go will wait till little lower BF so can notice if it works more

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
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  #7 (permalink)  
Old 05-11-2018, 07:56 AM
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I always relied on cardio but I am sure many will be interested to see how Helios worked for you, if you'd keep a cycle log on Helios I am sure there will be interesting.

Btw, it is not recommended to use any other stimulants when using Helios.
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