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  #1 (permalink)  
Old 12-29-2012, 04:44 AM
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Default Holding it together after falling

My name is Viking.Huge Tom said that my story would inspire other members this is my story of holding it together after falling.

I've been a Mason-Waterproofer in the Bricklayer's Union in Boston Ma for almost 20yrs now & I use to do alot of side work.In 2011 I was working about 2hrs from my house the forman was a complete asshole so I desided to ask to be layed off,it happens every winter any how but I had alot of side work lined up to carry me thru the winter and early spring until the Union called me back.On Nov 15th 2011 I had cut out a small chimney not even 4ft tall & about 18in wide,went down the latter & made some mortar to point back in as I climbed the latter & as I was stepping onto the roof my foot slipt & I fell 15ft landing on my feet & shattering both heels.I was rushed to a Hospital & then sent to another Hospital in Boston.After about 5 hours of people doing x-rays & asking questions about my fall & how I landed telling me how lucky I was to be alive,they sent me home for 2 weeks so the swelling would go down.The Dr couldn't do anything until then with Nurses & physical therapy people at my house every other day making sure I was ok & nothing was getting infected,I went back on Nov 30th for my operation after 8hrs on the table I woke to a Bruins game on my TV how great was that & that was the only thing that was great.The Dr cut my foot open in a backward L along the back of my ankle to 2in from my baby toe.I spent 2 more weeks in the hospital then sent home.I spent 3.5 months in a wheel chair legs striaght out & wrapped up like sasuage I tried to go to the gym & do alittle something but the chair always got in the way.I was going in & out of the Hospital for check ups & x-rays that hole time.After that I was able to slowly walk with cruches and those space boots & started therapy.My legs looked like I was in the Holucost there was NO muscle tone at all from the waist down witch made it hard to walk even with the cruches.The therapist was fantastic,I also started researching peptides & found that IGF was great for the healing of bones & tissue,so I started shooting that for about 8wks in each ankle daily.After platoeing at the Therapist I talked with my PCP into water therapy & I guess god was looking out for me the day I fell & when I showed up for the 1st day of water therapy.The office was inside a Huge Gym & they have a special for people in therapy 60 days for 60 bucks I jumped on that in a heart beat it even included 5 sessions with a personal trainer.My belly,ass everything just got fat from eating,drinking & not being able to do anything for so long,when I got home I started looking for my lock box of goodies & started going everyday to the gym & 2 times a wk to therapy.I was getting my old self back size shape & most of all mental health.I did water therapy for about 2 months streching my ankles while walking in the pool god it was painfull from the day of the fall and still is till this day.I went from 6ft 235lbs down to 190lbs in 2 months I was drinking protien like it was going out of style eating the right way so I could keep it off & HGH.After almost a yr I was able to walk with a limp but my left ankle kept swelling up to a size of a grape fruit everyday & pain like you wouldn't believe.I called my Dr the guy who put my heels back together there was so much metal in my feet but they where back together thats all I cared about I asked him about my ankles the left one most of all he sent me for a MRI,Catscan & more x-rays he said he found nothing wrong but he sent me to a ankle specialist after giving me a cortazone shot in both ankles & nothing working I desided to go see another Dr.after he read the MRI & Catscan he said my tendons & ligaments that belong in back of my ankle where in front that was the pain.So almost 1yr to the day of the 1st operation I had another operation on my left ankle to put my tendons & some repair to ligaments back where they belong.I should be able to start water PT in about 3wks so I started ordering what I needed to help me get back to where I was before my 2nd operation.This is where Huge Tom came in to the picture.He hadn't seen my name before on any orders as I was useing another company but decided to go back to GBN & Tom felt that people would get some insperation out of my story.If it wasn't for god my friends,girlfriend,shrink and my PCP I would of called it a day my dogs where helpfull also I know your saying how animals feel when something is wrong with someone they love just like we do,but thats what kept me holding it together after falling.I hope in some way this story helps with anyone thats hurt & needs some words of wisdom.I realy felt like my world came to a end but it's just started another chapter just a little slower this time & now I tie off before going on a roof.Thanks for reading my story.Take care

Last edited by Viking; 02-03-2013 at 12:39 AM.
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  #2 (permalink)  
Old 12-29-2012, 04:57 AM
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Thanks for the story. Tom is good people. Keep up the good work n stay at it.
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  #3 (permalink)  
Old 12-29-2012, 10:49 AM
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Excellent story bro! Keep fighting the good battle.
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  #4 (permalink)  
Old 12-29-2012, 01:10 PM
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Thumbs up

You are the man.

My friend went through similar situation only it was a car accident.

He is back to bb now and looks amazing at his 40 years.

Thank you for sharing this.

You inspire us and I wish you a lot of health and positive energy so you can change life of those near you.

Happy holidays man.
GbnStore.Net - Why wait for tomorrow? Get Bigger Now.

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