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one thing that you cant do in this sport is bullshit your way through !!! ... The 67 ...
"Before you judge me, make sure you're perfect"
the only things that should be killed in this world is :::::: Gossip , bad days, shady deceitful peeps, and the iron in which you battle for,day in and day out !!! ... The 67 ...
Let me tell you something you already know. The world ain’t all sunshine and rainbows. It’s a very mean and nasty place and I don’t care how tough you are it will beat you to your knees and keep you there permanently if you let it. You, me, or nobody is gonna hit as hard as life. But it ain’t about how hard ya hit. It’s about how hard you can get it and keep moving forward. How much you can take and keep moving forward. That’s how winning is done! Now if you know what you’re worth then go out and get what you’re worth. But ya gotta be willing to take the hits, and not pointing fingers saying you ain’t where you wanna be because of him, or her, or anybody! Cowards do that and that ain’t you! You’re better than that! - ROCKY
dreams are the direct manifestations of what your reality could be in life... To loose that sense of wonder with-in yourself,, leaves you with nothing but broken tapestries of what could of been, what will never happen, & i wish that i could be.... Never give up on your dreams !!!!!!! ... The 67 ...
i do what others wont today
so can do what others cant tomorrow |
enjoy what you have when you have it,, and when you dont have it, work your ass off to achieve it !!! ... The 67 ...
to have knowledge , is to have experience in trial & error over time... With pros & cons on the research that you study on whatever issue your researching... ... The 67 ...
To win ! Is to fail !
to win at something,, is to fail repeatedly at something .... Over-n-over again until you finally master it !!! ... The 67 ...
Cardio is for people that don't know how to diet!
Being sore....is satisfaction
if you dont have anybody hatin on you then your not doing something right !!! ... The 67 ...
" 81 If I have to explain, you won't understand!! "
"Protected by extreme violence"
"My world, My life, My family"
it's about love & respect brotherhood you get what you give |
Never forget............ Snitches get stitches |
being natural and competing is like a baseball player playing without a freakin glove !!! Lmao :)
half ass effort,,, results in half ass knowledge,,, brings half ass gains !!! ... The 67 ...
and only half of what you see |
Snitches are a dying breed
Awesome cc !!!! Love it !!! :d
Painted by the best |
ill send you a black tee when i send the canvass.. :) |
I've already told my tattooist to make his preparations lol |
the biger the better because its going to be very detailed.. i hope tht hell be able to pull it off.. im working on it as we speak.. thers alot of font in it.. placed very well to... :) like i said im shooting for the end of the month of july for completion.. i could do it quicker but when i take my time it comes out alot better... i og by feel AND IF I CANT FEEL IT THEN I JUST DONT TOUCH IT BECASUE IVE FUCKED UP ALOT OF CANVASSES BY TRYING TO RUSH THROUGH.. I DONT WANT NO DISCREPENCIES ON THIS ONE..
He's a great tattooist and honest if he can't do it he will let me know, if thats the case I will probably wait until I'm in the US and get it done there
If he cant do it ill do it for ya bro... If hes been in the game long enough i dont se why he wont be able to.. Its not like theres portraits or anything like tht on it but there is major over lay.. Im mea alot and it hard to concentrate on what what... :d
"Horn broken, watch for finger"
Dude tht is classic.. Good one c ! :)
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