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Cornish_Celt 05-07-2014 05:57 AM

Favourite Quotes
I've been asked by a couple of members to start this thread.

Quotes for the day, you can put up any quote whether it's related to training or not, it could be something you live by or something you just like the sound of, they can be funny or serious.

You can use your own quotes or quotes made by others, but if it's a quote by someone else please put their name next to it.

Lets see what you have!

Cornish_Celt 05-07-2014 06:03 AM

Blood makes you related.
Loyalty makes you family.

Cornish_Celt 05-07-2014 06:03 AM

I am what I am........Your opinion isn't needed

Cornish_Celt 05-07-2014 06:08 AM

This one was an analogy that was quoted about mixing Tren and Deca:

Why try to control 2 pitbulls when just 1 has the ability to fuck you up?

andyebs 05-07-2014 08:43 AM

Expect problems and eat them for breakfast.

Alfred A. Montapert

andyebs 05-07-2014 08:44 AM

I don't believe you have to be better than everybody else. I believe you have to be better than you ever thought you could be.

Ken Venturi

13uie67 05-07-2014 08:47 AM

lmfao... i lov it.... you have a wonderful geared up mind ...

13uie67 05-07-2014 08:49 AM

if 1 person says you look like a horse you can pretty much disregart it,,, but if 2 or more peeps say you look a horse ,,,,

its time to go get a fucking saddle... !!!:eek:

stillgoingstron 05-07-2014 10:12 AM

"I am the Special One"

Jose Mourinho.

erich1b 05-07-2014 10:30 AM

Winners are simply willing to do, what losers won't!

13uie67 05-07-2014 10:49 AM

hey all thanks so much for participating in the quote for the day.. please come on here daily and give us ur input as well... its important to know whats going on in the mind of a trainer.. and very much appreciated.. i hope tht all is well.. and interested to hear ur thoughts tomm... dont forget to spread the word to everybody else in the hm family because were all one on here...... everybody matters on HM !!!!!!! thanks the 67

Crew38 05-07-2014 10:52 AM

If I wanted your opinion is scrape it off my zipper

Crew38 05-07-2014 10:54 AM

Arnold said something like this: everyone is average I don't want to be average. I want to be something else

Crew38 05-07-2014 10:55 AM

My favorite
That's fucking stupid

13uie67 05-07-2014 10:59 AM

loved the zipper one crew !!!! CLASSIC :D

stillgoingstron 05-07-2014 11:34 AM


7th May 2014

eazy 05-07-2014 01:36 PM

I'm afriad to announce that today is going to be one of the hardest decisions of my life.

I am going to train legs!!

I hate training them because of the pain that will follow. But that pain that follows is without a doubt addictive lol.


13uie67 05-07-2014 02:41 PM

the hardest & greatest things in life all derive from hard work & determination :) the 67

Cornish_Celt 05-08-2014 05:50 AM

Chaos, Panic & Disorder
My work here is done

13uie67 05-08-2014 06:01 AM

people that say the word i cant ... are the people that never get anywhere !!! and the people that say the word i can,, are the ones that defy the laws of gravity !!!!! THE 67

Cornish_Celt 05-08-2014 08:48 AM

Surprise sex is the best thing to wake up to.................unless you're in prison.

smitdog23rd 05-08-2014 05:55 PM

"Its not how hard you can hit, It's how hard you can get get hit and keep moving forward "

toon22 05-08-2014 11:04 PM

quote from the marines
Si vis pacem,*para bellum

If you want peace, prepare for war

Cornish_Celt 05-09-2014 05:17 AM

"Find Your Speed, Maintain Velocity, Keep On Doin' It."
-Sonny Barger

Cornish_Celt 05-09-2014 05:18 AM

Everyones a tough guy, until they meet one!

Cornish_Celt 05-09-2014 05:18 AM

Audere est facere - To dare is to do

Cornish_Celt 05-09-2014 05:37 AM

"Treat me good, I'll treat you better;
Treat me bad, I'll treat you worse".
Ralph "Sonny" Barger, HAMC

Cornish_Celt 05-09-2014 05:39 AM

"Snitches are a dying breed"

Cornish_Celt 05-09-2014 05:44 AM

Don't judge me based on your ingnorance

eazy 05-09-2014 06:38 AM

For me, life is continuously being hungry. The meaning of life is not simply to exist, to survive, but to move ahead, to go up, to achieve, to conquer.

13uie67 05-09-2014 06:59 AM

everybody wants to be a bodybuilder,,, but nobody wants to work hard for it... ronnie colman... mr 8

13uie67 05-09-2014 07:00 AM

life is an illusion but with purpose... THE 67 :):)

Cornish_Celt 05-09-2014 07:01 AM

everybody wants to be a bodybuilder but don't nobody want to lift no heavy-ass weights!

13uie67 05-09-2014 07:10 AM

lmao i figuered tht i had tht one wrong cc.. didnt know if i did or not but no i do... lol thanks for the correction :)

eazy 05-09-2014 12:03 PM

Even if you fall on your face, you're still moving forward.

13uie67 05-09-2014 12:17 PM

i want to be like giants !!!!! to stand among-st the redwoods,, and to look out into the sea of twigs .....! :cool: THE 67

Cornish_Celt 05-10-2014 06:04 AM

I don't need your attitude I have my own

Cornish_Celt 05-10-2014 06:15 AM

God forgives, I don't

BGR384 05-10-2014 06:19 AM

I have failed over and over again in my life. That's why I succeed.

Michael Jordan

Cornish_Celt 05-10-2014 07:22 AM

If you see me smiling it's because I'm thinking of doing something evil
If you see me laughing it's because I've already done it!

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