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  #1 (permalink)  
Old 04-16-2015, 12:16 AM
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Default Help with dosing

Hi guys.

So long story short, I have low T. As in, I make zero lol. I've been on the testosterone pellets for a while and its working out pretty good. My levels are around 650. I tell the doctor I still don't feel quite "there" but you know doctors, they don't like to go high. Even normal range high.

Well, my insurance has decided to stop paying for the amount of pellets I need. I've been told its been done across the board, for everyone. Don't even get me started on how scummy insurance is.

So I'm just going to do it myself. I already ordered and received two bottles of Testoxyl Cypionate 250. I read the info on the gnbpage for it and it says to take 500mg a week for around 12 weeks. I messaged huge Tom and he said that would take three bottles.

Well, Since I'm trying to replicate my normal testosterone levels I'm not going to take that much. I don't mind going high, but since I'll be taking this forever, I don't want to take a ton of it.

So I figure if 500 mg a week for 12 weeks is three bottles, that means about a bottle a month. Right? But I don't want that much so I'm thinking I'd like to try half that amount. Does that sound about right? Or do you guys think that would still be too much?

I have a standing order for testosterone blood work because of the pellets I get, but I don't want to go to the lab every week or two to get tested because it might look suspicious to my doctor.

So again, do you guys think I should start out with half the dose, or even less? Oh, and when I do take it, is it once every 7 days?

Thanks in advance.
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  #2 (permalink)  
Old 04-16-2015, 09:50 AM
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I think, first off, you need to be honest with yourself. What do you really want from your TRT?

You saying that ‘doctors don’t like to go high. Even normal range high’ is telling me that you don’t really want just TRT, as in replacing normal levels. I think you want more. No problem with that. It’s just a case of you deciding what you want.

You haven’t said your age. That’s quite important. There doesn’t really seem to be any really definitive answer as to whether very long term TRT is 100% beneficial or whether it has any detrimental effect as well.
It depends what you read and where you read it.

So, if you are young then are you prepared to take the higher end dose for a very long time and see what happens? Or, if you are in your fifties or older are you prepared to up the dose a bit because by the time any detrimental effect really kicks in it doesn’t really matter so much? Or anywhere in between.

This is only how I might do it, if all i wanted was long term TRT. I would probably start at 125mg EW and see where that took me. You have blood tests a lot more often than most of us, so you will be able to see results much quicker. If you can be bothered, then take half that dose twice a week. I never found once or twice a week made much difference to me. Others say differently. Your choice. I do think that pinning for the rest of your life will become extremely tedious though.

I doubt that 125mg EW will produce much growth, 250mg will probably do something and 500mg should be enough to put a grin on your face.

Ps The 500mg for 12 weeks on GBN is not TRT. That’s why the suggestion is to run it for 12 weeks, although some go to 16 or 20 weeks. But there’s still an end point of the cycle.

A lot of people cruise and blast. You might decide to cruise at 125mg and then do a 12 week 500mg EW blast a couple of times a year. You might get hooked on the obvious visual benefits and pin more, more often. That’s why I think you need to decide what you really want from your TRT. It definitely hooks you and drags you in.

Always think long term health. I suppose one advantage, if you can call it that, is that no matter what you do, you can’t fuck up your natural testosterone production.

That’s just my take. I’m not on TRT so can’t comment on how just a low dose TRT regime will affect you. But I can see how TRT will very soon become normal cycling or cruising and blasting. If that’s not what you want then you’ll need to be mentally strong.

Hopefully, someone who has been on TRT for a while can chip in.
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  #3 (permalink)  
Old 04-16-2015, 04:29 PM
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Sorry, I forgot to add my age. I'm 36. Yes, I know it's probably younger than you'd think.

And as much as I'd like to get huge, I'm not trying to get the bad side effects.

As unfortunate as it is, I have no choice unless the insurance starts paying for pellets again.

So I decided to try 135mg twice a week and see how it goes. I did the first shot last night and I feel really really great. So maybe I'll ride it out and try only doing it once a week.

Of course I'd like to get huge, but I'm not dumb. With the pellets my levels were 500 to 600 and I was pretty big. 6'9" and 265 pounds. That would work for me.
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  #4 (permalink)  
Old 04-16-2015, 05:55 PM
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Also, if money becomes an issue, there will be a point or at least there might be, where you will need to start adding in anciliaries such as AIs to deal with extra estrogen problems. The more test you use, the more this will become a problem.

I suppose that what I was trying to say is that it's too easy/tempting to just keep adding more and more test. And that's more likely to happen if you don't have a plan and a desire to just stick with a TRT dose.
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  #5 (permalink)  
Old 04-17-2015, 08:43 AM
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may i ask why at 36 you have low test

and said you have been on TRT for while via insurance was this recomended via doctor did ou have more than one opinion also and how long have you been on TRT

also have you tried anything to get yourself kicking again and start to produce your own test

i know people thats been on for years and come off
run high regular dosed of HCG and clomid and anything else that might help
this could realyl get you started again

its not something to take lightly that your willing to jab yourself for the rest of our life also seems you dont have great knoledge on this
also if do run TRT stay low 100mg is all thats needed you can have blast now and then but i think 135mg twice week is more like a cycle rather than TRT
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