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Old 10-01-2012, 11:12 AM
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Post Power Up Your Testosterone Naturally


The benefits of boosting your testosterone levels can’t be overestimated, especially when it comes to your wellbeing and health. When you feel better, you perform better, and having higher levels of testosterone will improve the way most men feel and perform. The first key is to find out what your testosterone levels are today. If you feel great and your levels are normal, then you’ll know what’s ideal for you. On the other hand, if you feel sluggish and stressed and you have low levels, you can improve the way you feel by implementing these tips and talking to your doctor. Of course, always seek your physician’s go-ahead when launching into a supplementations plan.


Life is often stressful, and it can be hard to juggle all the parameters of your daily existence. But making changes in your lifestyle so that you’re able to reduce stress is one of the key ways to boost your testosterone levels. You probably recognize that, when you’re under high levels of stress, you don’t have that great “guy” feeling when you’re stressed, you probably feel strung out or weak and unfocused and lack mental clarity. This could be a sign that your testosterone production is down. One of the best ways to overcome this type of stress and increase your testosterone levels is to get plenty of rest, resulting in a clear head and felling refreshed. “Testosterone levels increase when you sleep,” says Kehoe. In face, your testosterone levels tend to peak in the morning when you wake up, which may have something to do with common phenomenon of “morning wood.”


One of the best ways to boost your testosterone levels naturally is to include regular, moderate exercise in your life. “All forms of exercise and physical activity can help improve testosterone production,” says Kehoe. This includes weight training, cardiovascular activity or participation in sports. However, if you overdo physical activity, you may start to strain your adrenal glands and your body will produce less testosterone. “This is a defense mechanism to protect your heart, “explains Kehoe. Typically, this is only a problem for those who are engaging in extreme activity over extended periods of time. You can probably weight train four days a week for about 60 minutes and perform moderate 30-45 minute sessions of cardio three days a week to effectively boost testosterone. If your training makes you feel weak, over-trained or uninspired, reduce the length or intensity of your sessions.


This is a bit of a chicken and egg scenario. Higher testosterone levels lead you to desire more sex, and low levels suppress your sex drive. “If your testosterone is low, you have less desire for sex,” says Margo, “and better levels make for better sex.” Interestingly, this can be true for both men and women. If you desire for sex is diminished, you may need to boost your testosterone levels through other means so that you can take advantage of the natural production of testosterone that comes with more frequent sexual activity.


Cordyceps is a Tibetan mushroom, and the extract from cordyceps is often used as a supplement. The mushroom has been proven to boost testosterone levels and athletic performance, but it is relatively new to the United States, having been introduced in the early 1990’s. “Cordyceps is very beneficial for its broad range of actions on the heart, liver, kidneys and immune system,” says Kehoe. The extract has an antioxidant effect and improves the body’s production of cholesterol and regulation of insulin. One reason why it may boost athletic performance is that it is very high in adenosine, which boosts the body’s main source of energy – adenosine triphosphate (ATP) – at the cellular level. “Another benefit of cordyceps is that it attaches to the same receptor sites as caffeine,” explains Kehoe. You may notice that you don’t feel the need for a morning cup of joe when you take cordyceps. For best results, take three to night grams of the mushroom or seek out a product that has 300 to 450 milligrams of cordyceps in it’s standardized extract form.


Protein from egg and whey hydrolysates helps improve testosterone levels, as well as repair and build muscle mass when you train with weights. One of the reasons for this is that hydrolysates are high in dipeptides and tripeptides (two or three amino acids bound together), which have the unique capacity to enter the body much more readily than single amino acids or more complex protein structures. These peptides are channeled to your liver, where they increase production of your body’s natural anabolic hormones. It’s also a good idea to include lean forms of whole – food protein, such as eggs, chicken and turkey breast. When your weight training, these foods increase muscle tissue, helping to elevate your metabolic rate and testosterone levels. For best results, include protein at several meals a day – as many as six or more – and try to take in a total of one gram of protein per pound of body weight each day (an active, training 180-pound male should try and consume 180 grams of protein a day). Also, seek out protein powders with hydrolysates, which will emphasize the absorption of dipeptides and tripeptides, resulting in more muscle growth.


You know you should eat plenty of vegetables to promote health in just about every way imaginable. The good news is that many vegetables – especially cruciferous ones, such as broccoli, cabbage and cauliflower – may also help elevate your testosterone levels. “We don’t really know why this is,” says Kehoe, “but we suspect that it’s because of the phytonutrients that cruciferous vegetables contain.” In addition to vitamins and minerals, vegetables and fruits contain numerous phytonutrients – many of which scientists have yet to identify. At this point, we know that these phytonutrients play a very powerful role in optimizing health – as well as greatly impacting on your vision. Some reports indicate that testosterone can help prevent dry eyes. Bottom line: Make a point to eat several servings of vegetables a day, and emphasize the cruciferous ones for bigger boosts in testosterone.


The herb fenugreek comes from southern Europe and western Asia, and one of its primary benefits is that it helps elevate testosterone and increase libido. The herb can also increase insulin release and, in the company of weight training, help increase muscle mass. The digestion of Fenugreek seeds helps bind to the same receptors that testosterone does. “The benefit of fenugreek over some medical forms of testosterone is that your body sends it through your liver so that it can balance and regulate it,” says Kehoe. Many weight trainers report that they experience increase appetite when they take fenugreek extract, making this a great supplement for those with low testosterone levels who have trouble putting on muscle mass. Look for products that contain 500 to 600 milligrams of fenugreek extract.


Ginseng has been associated with enhanced libido and sexual performance. Science backs this up: Research has concluded that this may be due to the many positive effects that ginseng has on your central nervous system and spine. Ginseng contains ginsenosides, which can help facilitate erections – think of it as nature’s Viagra. Ginseng also helps reduce inflammation caused by stress, including that from exercise. Kehoe recommends that you look for products that provide 40 to 50 milligrams of ginseng extract. “Ginseng teas and ginseng root have their place,” says Kehoe, “but they may not have enough ginsenosides to provide the benefits that extracts do.


(C) Power Up Your Testosterone Naturally | Hooked On Iron
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