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Yeeeehaaa! heard my doorbell this morning and it was the mailman with a package from gbnstore! So i ordered and paid around the 28th of march but didnt really get what i wanted figured out until near april 1-3 and he shipped on the 3rd.The date i was given for arrival was the 23rd so ten days earlier than expected!!! it was a little bit confusing to get my first order done due to my inexperience with ordering with WU and the fact that the ticket method of communicating is a bit slow at times.But i have to give a big thumbs up to these guys im very happy with them and will review the kalpa testoxyl as soon as i see/feel anything has changed with my body.
Dont know how low my test levels were but im sure it was wayyyyyyyyy low and i dont know how fast this stuff gets into your blood or how long before you can realistically feel at least HRT type effects but since i did 500mg this morning i have had a ton of extra energy and couldnt get to the gym yet so i paced around.Maybe just anxious to get working out and to see/feel something but i swear i feel SOMEthing :-) i cant wait to hit the weights in the morning! cooking up 2.21 lbs beautiful beef loin and 6 skinless chicken breasts right now IM NOT PLAYIN ARRRRRGGHHHHHH!!! hehe for real though thats basically two meals minus the greens and a half gal of milk per meal!
P.S. I plan on splitting my doses into 1ml/250mg twice a week but i wanted to get an initial boost of a full 500mg first.My logic might be flawed but i figured a big shot first wouldnt hurt if not give me some extra energy being that my own test is im sure low as hell.I have 7000mg left if theres indeed 10ml in each vial and 250mg in each ml so i have enough to give this brand a good tryout i will post again soon after i workout for a bit.I am going to find the proper spot here to post some new pics i took to show my slob before self lol then again when im lookin good and in between! Last edited by kaynoh; 04-14-2012 at 01:58 AM. Reason: yes |
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Yeah i'm liking it so far only going on week 6 in a few days but have put on about 12-13 lbs muscle so far so minus water maybe ten solid?Got a way to go yet so hoping for more and pounding down the good stuff and leaving junk food 100% alone no grease no sugar binges no alcohol no tobacco no other recreational substances except mmj at night to help with the freakin insomnia i seem to have now! bad night sweats unless i leave a fan right on me while i sleep.
No acne/bacne, no raging,BUT extreme pain for 3-4 days wherever i put the shit! put in in the ass couldnt sit or ride my harley! put it in upper front hip/leg couldnt barely walk for a few days wtf? The first time i thought oh oh infected but no redness no heat comin off it just sore AS FUCK! is this normal? i try and massage the shit in as best i can too.Oh well who cares anyhow it goes away in a few days. I started doing it all in one shot instead of splitting it the pain was good enough once a week if i did two shots i think it would never go away!Was gonna go in the arm or pec but thought well then i cant fuckin lift!And i have read that it makes a difference what muscle you put it in as far as levels in your blood the gluteus showed higher levels than thigh or arm! lol cant wait to cut this water off and see what is under there when im done. The tits are goin away(not gyno i think its beer and food tits lol) but almost seem to look worse now that the fat is leaving and the skin is looser it seems the nipple will stick out further and looks like shit from above lol in the mirror you cant tell but i can lookin down looks like a young girls tit lol but only at night wtf? is it because i'm less or more dehydrated at night? seems like it anyway. during the day everything looks tight but at night when im relaxed TIT. GODDDD i cant wait until i have nothin but muscle bone and skin and i feel like just having the whole nipples removed on my freakin chest then there wont be anything to GET puffy hahahaaa!!! adipose blubber is the most disgusting yellow putrid looking shit on earth i dont want to be carrying that around under my skin!! I was able to run 1.5 miles yesterday and a mi the day before both in 15 min. and its been a longggggg ass time since i could walk 50 ft without wheezing never mind RUN 1.5 miles and i wasnt even out of breath and heart rate at 175. Gonna do cut cycle with tren winnie and test prop after this and hopefully it will be kalpa stuff or sciroxx is supposed to be almost as good or better some said after reading reviews in a few places. Quote:
PS i'm workin on posting some pics of me so i can compare each week.I will keep them in one post and edit the new ones in beside the previous.Luckily i wasnt starting from scratch as a skinny dude or a morbidly obese fuck i just need to get back in shape and get chiseled. not too sure what order i took these first ones in but i think the first and last were together a few weeks in and the middle two a week later? or whatever but lets just call these first pics the first 5 weeks.Tuesday when i start week 6 or 5( i'm not sure because i have been doing it more like 500mg every 6 days instead of 7.gone through 3000mg out of 7500 or around 3000.) i will post a new pic then another a week later and so on until the end of the cycle then a 2 month break and i come back for the cut I CANT WAIT YEEEHAAA all i gotta say is FUCK ALCOHOL TOBACCO AND DOPE I SHOULDA BEEN DOING THIS MY WHOLE LIFE! Also i thought i should say i'm also using creatine monohydrate and just finished loading phase and have been using a gram or two before workouts seems to be helping a lot with filling me out! using tons of muscle milk it tastes good even in water and you can put two scoops plus 10g creatine in water and guzzle no problem without gagging or anything hehe in milk the chocolate stuff is almost as good as any milkshake ive had you can really pound this shit no problemo.Dont ask me if its the best stuff as far as effective but i dont think without it id have put on this much weight already! just got some N.O.-XPLODE too just used it first time yesterday and got to the gym and they were closing in 25 min so only had time to run a mile no weights! got home did curls until muscle fail steppin up 10 lbs on each set of warmups to max weight then down 10 lbs each set after initial sets to failure got pumped but didnt see any difference using the explod i'll see when i do a real workout. lookin at the pics keep in mind i'm 45.5 yrs old and i have done NOTHING since 2003 UNTIL NOW but sit around partying and using the computer! i have LITERALLY been sitting on my ass for 8 yrs! in 2003 i was in prison and was more active lol now i'm so bored i cant take it i want to work out always but cant! i need my own equipment at home is what i really need. One other thing i wanted to ask and fuck it if it embarrasses anyone but is it bad to jack off a lot i mean does it use up testosterone? idk but it seems like if your emptying your nuts a lot your body would have to replace the contents so would either make more testo or use it but i'm no endocrinologist so thats why i'm askin that and i cant seem to leave my pecker alone right now hahahaaaa gotta find me a hottie to help out with that ;-) and sorry about the foul mouth but like popeye said I AM WHAT I YAM UG GUG GUG GUGGG! Last edited by kaynoh; 06-16-2012 at 10:45 PM. |
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