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I just ordered 2 bottles of cutstack 750 along with nolvaxyn and clomixyn and HCG and i'm kinda worried about taking HCG after reading it gave a guy gyno?I thought this would help prevent gyno and ball shrink? Anyway this is my first cycle in a long time and have just started back in the gym recently and i don't know if i should just save this for a cut cycle or go ahead and use it seeing as i have a lot of flabby fatty shit to get rid of and just be happy about any results i get?
I'm not starting as a scrawny or obese person i have a good base to work with as ive done masonry work my whole life and have done some lifting too its just not quality muscle do to the fact that up until very recently all ive done for several yrs is relax and ride my harleys!! i will post pics soon for a before and after type thread and you will see i look pretty good for a 45 yr old former lazy bastid hahahahaaa I just quit smoking tobacco a while ago too and can finally BREATHE!!! Time to get in shape again luckily muscle memory serves me well usually and it doesnt take long for my body to start looking better. I wish i had someone who knew their shit to talk with in person before i start but i don't so i'm maybe going to join SE and do a bit more research before i start. I know the test prop in the mix will give results if its any good and not sure about masteron 100 but ive heard people raving about tren ace though some said it was quite strong and made their heart pound etc. So has anyone used the cutstack and if so what kind of results did you get?And should i use the HCG i'm 45 and already have some tit to get rid of somehow and def dont want anymore! should i just use nolva or clomid and figure out someone to give the HCG to or maybe change my order real quick? I just wired the funds today and sent a ticket telling them but havent heard back yet so maybe i can still change it if what ive ordered isnt that good.I'm trying to find something thats in stock that has had great reviews about great results but i suck at finding my way around these sites so hopefully someone will read this that has some suggestions :-) THANKS how long before i should expect to hear anything on my ticket about the funds being available for my order? Last edited by kaynoh; 03-29-2012 at 07:12 AM. |
I agree 10∅% with cc our resident mutant Eat clean, loads of cardio with Clen or ECA stack sounds like what you need fella. Put you stats and diet up fella and we will advice and help you out ..that's how we roll on HM!
Disclaimer: Hypermuscles.com does not promote the use of anabolic steroids without a doctor's prescription. The information we share is for entertainment and research purposes only.
Well im n or really FAT i just have a little flab here and there but actually i'm in decent shape for not doing much working out for quite a long time.This will be the 3rd time ive used steroids the other two times being spaced yrs apart the first time in 1990 then again in about '02 or '03 both times it was test cyp and basically didnt have a clue how to use the shit correctly and just let someone else give me my shots.I got a lot stronger fast the first time but tore my arms out doing preacher curls and walked around with my arms locked up in front of me like i was carrying a bag of groceries something for a few days lol.
The last time i didnt have a source except a friend who was going to mexico and bringing the shit back in tanning oil bottles who would only give me what he thought he could spare which wasnt enough and also i was working out at his gym as a guest and that didnt last either after they figured out i had been coming in like a regular but hadnt paid shit lol My workout routine right now is very light weights just to wake my muscles up before i start my regular routine and light cardio like treadmill and stationary bike etc. I just quit smoking non filtered "rollie's" top tobacco too and can actually breathe now yeehaaa!! good thing i had only smoked that shit from about 2003 until 2011 not my whole life so theres still a chance i wont turn into a walking tumor or stroke out one day dead lifting hahahaa. I will post some recent pics as soon as i figure out how to transfer them from phone to pc ![]() i want to setup a folder for pics so i can take one every few weeks to see the progression if any happens :-) I know how to eat right and have no problem getting 8-10 hrs rest every night and will definitely use proper form and workout technique or why even bother right?!!! I know my body and its not gonna take long at all before i swell up! i have done masonry work my whole life and im not a scrawny fucker or a fat fuck i just need to get in shape and it wont take as long to see results as it would if i were starting from no muscle and people who say the only way steroids are going to work is if you bust your ass in the gym first and blah bla bla etc. are full 'o shite! as long as you eat the right stuff(protein etc)and dont eat the wrong stuff, get your rest,drink lots of water,and stimulate your muscle then let it recover fully before lifting with that set of muscles again, it doesnt take living at the gym i know i have seen it i have done it and i will DO it and not spend all day at the gym :-D Do the people who run the gbn store speak much english? because it doesnt seem like it and its starting to get a little aggravating trying to get shit paid for and on the way in the mail.The ordering method needs changing for sure why have it say "online credit card payment" when its not true unless your talking about logging into western union and using one there which is a pain in the balls if youve got a prepaid visa! they wouldnt accept my green dot visa even though they allow you to put money on the freakin card with WU! The communicating through tickets aint workin for me either i don't have days to wait for replies when everything is in a clusterfuck and things need to be asked and answered.Anyway before i get myself pissed off i'm gonna partake in some recreational herbal therapy and sleep and maybe tomorrow there will be a ticket update as it seems they answer at like 2-3am pacific time. ps i will make a intro post in the proper section soon too ;-) and feel free to move or delete anything i post if its in the improper spot or just plain bullshit that needs deleting lol. i dont need roids to rage as i say i was born psycho hehe Last edited by kaynoh; 03-30-2012 at 07:58 AM. |
It sounds like you should really be saying that this is your first cycle,
So you should stay away from Tren, Tren is for the more experienced user and is not to be taken lightly. Like I said before try a course of Clenbuterol you will be surprised at how good it actually is. You can also take it while on cycle with something else for example Test at 500mg per week for 10 weeks, you will see some excellent gains from this Congratulations on quitting smoking, I quit 6 months ago and couldn't believe the difference I felt when breathing!!
www.steroidscycles.net www.hypermuscles.com Disclaimer: Hypermuscles.com does not promote the use of anabolic steroids without a doctor's prescription. The information we share is for entertainment and research purposes only.
Yeah i guess its the same thing as first real cycle from a good source who btw is doing everything he can to make me happy seems like a good guy whoever has been listening to my crap lol they are very good at not getting pissed when people are raging and i apologize for any crap he heard from me during this ordering of my first cycle even though it looks a lot worse typed then it would be to hear it from my mouth.Being from Boston we kinda have mouths on us anyway hahahaa but its harmless barking.I'm happy with the way they have tried to help me get my first order right even though the back and forth between them and their customers could be speeded up somehow its all good.I just cant wait to start but i'm gonna hold off for a bit on starting the test e i ordered i'm not too sure my shoulder or my knee will be able to handle it with any extra agression and strength added in by a blast of test.I'm better off to work up to some natural strength in my shoulders more than what ive got now or im gonna end up in pain like i was before and my knee just tweaked on me a minute ago in my basement not even lifting just twisted it the wrong way and it feels weird now like maybe a deposit or something in there got knocked loose and is now grinding between the joint but I HOPE NOT hahaa i hope i just pulled it a little and its better when i wake up.
So i think he is sending 3 x 10ml of testoxyl and nolvadex for pct and will use this first before thinking about any stacking and see how i feel then maybe add some dbol next time. As far as using weight loss stuff i don't need it i'm 5' 10.5" at 190? lbs and not a lot of fat just flab from when there was a big ole beer belly and i ate greasy fried shit all the time.As soon as i start my cycle and workout program the remaining fat will be gone in literally days to a few weeks maybe. And thanks for the congrats my lungs feel sooooo much better and its only been 4-5 weeks! i dont miss them AT ALL and didnt have any withdrawl i think thats a bunch of bull to keep people smoking! All i did was just stop and didnt feel anything except BETTER and better every day and still noticing other parts getting better every my memory seems to not be as bad? I can smell a lot better and food tastes soo much better already! i heard that tren was some powerful shit probably best used if your a monster compteting thats why i changed my order i figured better stay away from that for a while.I will get big quickly with the test and by big i dont mean like bodybuilder big i mean big for me im gonna put some meat on my bones and like i was sayin i have a little bit to start with as a base im not starting from scratch as a skeleton :-) Last edited by kaynoh; 04-01-2012 at 02:08 AM. |
So after sitting on my ass for 8 yrs i should just hit the roids then go hit the weights hard huh? Nah don't feel like ripping my arms out of their sockets.Its not so much waking the muscle up its getting in good enough shape first so i don't fuck my joints and tendons/ligaments off.
I have no doubt about my strength but from experience i know not to just start pumping heavy until my shit gets used to it.When i went to prison in '03 i hadnt touched a weight in a long ass time and was pretty sucked up from a long run on opiates but was still able to lift the whole stack (250?280? around there cant remember) benching on the universal like it was an empty paper bag but after about a week i couldnt bench anymore my shoulder joint was all fucked up and pulled.So my muscles were stronger than what my joints could handle after basically sleeping for several yrs nodded out on opiates and i don't want to do anything like that again so im gonna take it easy for a while.I'm in no rush and believe me once i trust that i'm not gonna pull my shoulder out or my knee i will be hitting the iron HARD and will be posting my progress here. I will definitely be asking you guys that have been doing this a long time for advice especially about proper steroid use and pct.I never knew test could give you tits and never used any pct the last two times i used it so im wondering if the little bit of glands i have behind my nipples are from that or because i use a shitload of cannabis which ive heard can give you gyno too.Either way im glad i know now that there are meds to prevent anymore gyno i def dont want bitch tits! Last edited by kaynoh; 04-11-2012 at 07:50 PM. |
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