My New Diet/workout
So sense im trying to drop down to 180 from 245. I have 4 months so no rush. But still im going all out.
I do not want to run anything for this diet. And i do understand it could be muscle waisting, but i have done this in the past and didnt have a problem.
So the diet.
Breakfast-eggwhites 1 cup.
Pre gym protein shake. 1 scoop.
Lunch-Tuna.chicken or Turkey,
Super Protein shake 3 scoops
Bed Protein/Low calorie. Now lunch you can eat till your full and also throw egg whites in if you want.
First thing when i wake up, 1 hr of cardio. It burns off 600-900 calories in the morning before eating anything. This helps burn alot of fat.
Monday-Wednesday-Friday Full body Workout each day.
I do this routine, i will also post before and after pictures. And then after this diet i start a cycle of Testosterone Enanthate and Dball and Oral Tren.
Week 1-10 500mg Testosteone E
Week 1-4 30mg dball, might up to 50 depending on where i am.
Week 8-9 500mcg Oral Tren
Week 12-15 40/40/20/20
Week 12 Clomid 100mg to 20mg Drop down each day.