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Old 01-04-2011, 09:42 AM
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Originally Posted by junebug01 View Post
Im doing a bulk cycle of 1000mg of Test Cyp, 500mg of Deca a week and 100mg of Anadrol ED for 4 weeks then the same as above except the Anadrol i'll switch the Anadrol and take Winny of 50mg ED for 10 weeks. But I would like any suggestions on a great contest ready cutting cycle. I want to do a show in 2011, that is my goal but I need one without HGH because it is too expensive. I'm 41 yrs. old weigh 212pds and am experianced, and train hard as much as i can, which is the only way. any help would be apreciated.
Are you just starting this bulking cycle now? When is the show you are thinking of competing in?

What you use for a cutting cycle could vary upon several things depending on where you're sitting in terms of bf% and the time required for you to be ready. I would say to run this bulker and see where you're at. You will be holding a lot of water after that and it won't be the desired look you are needing.

For cutting I personally like and would suggest, Test P, Tren A and Mast A. I don't like winny anymore because of the joints but you may want it instead of the tren since you're familiar with it already.
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