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Old 12-14-2010, 05:10 PM
asto_86 asto_86 is offline
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Originally Posted by Huge Tom View Post
bro, what is the dosage he took? I just can't believe this happened, companies will never do overdose their products in fact it may be vice-versa.
Also I want to see scanned paper with test results on my email, anyway I will contact GP company on this matter.
I am really sorry for your friend and I wish he gets well asap. I think that was something else that caused this but we need to know all facts like, what other products he took, dosages etc.
I know! I can't believe it happened either! He had taken 40mg of the liquid tamox for 2 weeks, then he switched to the gp nolva and took 20mg in the am. 5 hours later we had the doc telling us if he was taking tamox, the toxicologists are saying he is showing the signs of an overdose on it. I found it incredibly hard to believe considering an overdose is something like 320mg+. The neurologists still say in 20+ years of practicing they have never seen anything like this in a 37 year old. They came to the conclusion that they don't care what caused it, they just want to get him back to normal.

My friend is in rehab for the next 3 weeks to learn how to move again, his prognosis is a full recovery and since the docs don't know that he was for sure taking tamoxifen they have concluded that it was a stroke caused by stress... in a healthy 37 year old.

Another theory was that none of it was overdosed at all, but since tamox has a half-life of about 5-7 days, possibly it built up enough in his system that he had enough in him to to cause overdose symptoms even though he didn't take it all at once. It's quite far fetched, but who knows.

Last edited by asto_86; 12-20-2010 at 07:48 PM.
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