Thread: Bicep Curl Tips
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Old 01-13-2023, 01:27 PM
01dragonslayer 01dragonslayer is offline
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Default Bicep Curl Tips

There are several biceps curl variants, but we believe the standing dumbbell biceps curl is the best place to start. Remember, you want your biceps to do the work - it seems basic, but it's all too easy to recruit other body parts to assist transfer the weight if your technique isn't precise.

Stand with your feet shoulder-width apart and your knees slightly bent, holding a dumbbell in each hand by your thighs, palms facing away. Throughout, keep your elbows snug to your sides, your chest and head high, and your back straight. Maintaining this position ensures that you are curling the weights using your biceps and only your biceps.

To begin the lift, bend at the elbows and gently raise the dumbbells to your shoulders for three seconds. To encourage muscular development, squeeze your biceps slightly at the apex of the action. Lower gently and controllably, and squeeze your triceps slightly after you've reached the bottom to ensure you've gone through the whole range of motion.

Many individuals who go to the gym desire to have biceps that can move mountains. That's wonderful, unless you choose a weight that's so heavy that it causes improper form, which won't promote muscular growth in the long term. Because the biceps curl is an isolated exercise, it's critical to choose a weight that doesn't require you to engage other muscles. For example, if the battle to lift the weights to the top is too intense, individuals often start swinging their back to get a helping hand from momentum. Do not attempt this. It should all be biceps.

Choose a weight that will enable you to perform three sets of ten to twelve repetitions with proper technique, with the third set being the most challenging.

Although bicep curls seem to be a straightforward workout, there are several little changes you can make to your lifting technique to increase their overall efficacy and grow bicep size quicker.
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