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Old 12-17-2022, 02:08 PM
01dragonslayer 01dragonslayer is offline
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Default Uncovering The Truth: Protein Quality Test

Protein Pop Quiz:
Which one of these proteins is the best?
A) 18g protein per serving
B) 25g protein per serving
C) 33g protein per serving

Think it’s C?
It’s actually a trick question (sorry). Every company brags on their label about how much protein is in their product. The truth is, you can’t truly judge a protein by how much protein is in each serving without knowing how big each serving size is.

Look Beyond the Front of the Label
As shown in the video above, the supplement facts panel will show you the amount of protein per serving and the serving size. THIS is the information that you need to find out what protein is the best. Divide the amount of protein per serving by the serving size to see what percentage of that serving is actually protein.

Protein Pop Quiz – 2nd Try:
A) 18g protein per 25g serving size = 70% protein per serving
B) 25g protein per 28g serving size = 90% protein per serving
C) 33g protein per 50g serving size = 66% protein per serving

proteinOn the front of the label, 33g of protein sounds better than 25g but when that 33g also comes with 17g of additional fillers, additives or cheaper proteins mixed in, it suddenly doesn’t sound so great.
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