03-01-2022, 10:54 AM
Join Date: Nov 2009
Posts: 419
First review in 2022 here. Thank you Old Timer 831.
Originally Posted by Old Timer 831
Rarely post, because at my age, I probably have little to contribute.
I spent my whole life in gyms from coast to coast, competed (flirted with the national level)and now, I'm pretty banged up, so "cycles" are beyond me, and training is limited.
Getting TRT where I live, is the equivalent of expecting Biden to have a lucid thought. So, I do my own TRT. Based on personal experience, and posted lab results, I have used Kalpa products almost exclusively with great outcomes.
Without a doubt, GBN has been my best source.
The ease of payment methods have eliminated the anxiety of standing in lines and having to answer a litany of questions. As for delivery, my shipment arrived a week early...
Thank you. Your service literally raises my quality of life.