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Old 07-02-2021, 06:16 AM
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Side Effects from Primobolan Cycle

Compared with many other steroids, Primobolan is considered to be well tolerated by most people and relatively mild in its side effects.

The good news is that there are no estrogenic side effects to worry about when you use Primobolan. This is because Methenolone is a non-aromatizing hormone and it also doesn’t have any effects on progestin which can also cause estrogen type side effects so you get to avoid some of the worst side effects experienced with most other steroids.

But we can’t expect to get away with no side effect risks when it comes to anabolic steroids and Primobolan makes up for it on the androgenic side, but again these are relatively weak effects compared with other steroids because of its lower androgenic rating of about half that of testosterone.

This still means some people will experience androgenic side effects and the risk mostly depends on your individual genetics and predisposition to these effects.

Females are obviously at much greater risk of the androgenic effects taking hold and producing issues like body hair growth, but Primobolan at lower doses in women is considered one of the safest steroids to use and these side effects are often completely avoided.

Most androgenic effects on men using Primobolan are generally very mild to non-existent in most people, but can include acne or the triggering of hair loss on the head if your genes predispose you to these.

Oral steroids often come with severe risks to the liver, but Primobolan has a slightly different chemical structure to most oral steroids and so is a much lower risk of hepatotoxicity. This doesn’t mean there is zero risk of the liver being affected though, but lower doses of oral Primobolan are safer than most other oral steroids. Higher doses or long term usage of Primobolan does increase the risk of negative impacts on the liver. There are no liver toxicity risks with the injectable form of Primobolan.

Without water retention, risk of high blood pressure developing when using Primobolan is considered low unless you have an existing condition. Effects on cholesterol are much more of a concern with Primobolan when it comes to cardiovascular health.

It is possible for this steroid to cause a reduction in levels of good cholesterol (HDL) and a raising of bad cholesterol (LDL) levels. Since Primobolan is likely to be used in a cutting cycle that includes cardiovascular exercise and a low fat diet, most people should be able to retain good cholesterol health but this is one area that should be closely monitored throughout your cycle.

Suppression of testosterone is a side effect that can’t be ignored and although Primobolan is once again milder in this regard compared with other steroids, it can still cause enough testosterone suppression at performance enhancing doses that you will want to be using a testosterone compound during your cycle to prevent you falling into a low testosterone state. This is only an issue for men; female users won’t be affected by testosterone suppression when using Primobolan.

Potential liver toxicity is always a concern particularly when using oral steroids, but Primobolan comes with the benefit of not posing a risk to the liver as there are no known cases of liver hepatotoxicity reported for this steroid. However since most people will stack Primobolan with other steroids that may themselves cause hepatotoxicity, it’s vital to be aware of the risks to the liver of each and every compound you’re taking.
Primobolan Post Cycle Therapy

With its milder suppression of testosterone compared to other steroids, recovering from a Primobolan cycle is also easier; but the other compounds you’re using in your cycle are going to heavily determine your hormone recovery and post cycle therapy plan.

When it comes to Primobolan alone, a good PCT plan will speed up recovery and get your natural testosterone production back where it needs to be so you’re maintaining muscle, not putting on fat, and staying in good physical and mental health as a male. Although testosterone will start to rise on its own once you stop taking Primobolan and other steroids, this process is too slow which is why it’s critical to implement PCT.

Clomid or Nolvadex are considered sufficient for Primobolan PCT, with this steroid not requiring the addition of hCG which is often needed for more powerful steroids. However, if your cycle does include more potent anabolic steroids with greater testosterone suppressive effects, then this may warrant the need for a more intensive PCT cycle that does include hCG.

Disclaimer: does not promote the use of anabolic steroids without a doctor's prescription. The information we share is for entertainment and research purposes only.
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