Alright I just hit 285 x 5 on squats for a new
PR. This time I drank plenty of water beforehand to ward off my infamous foot cramps that like to occur while having heavier weight on my back. I also squat barefoot in my living room so idk if that contributes. I did get a slight foot cramps going from the 4th to 5th rep but it was mild enough for me to finish the set. I also hit 205 x 12 as a back off set with no problem, just powered through like a mad man on DHB! LOL. Gonna finish up right now with 2-3 sets of RDLs with 115 and 4 sets of 30 reps of calf raises. Keep killing it bros!
Edit: Ok FTR I'm doing 3 x 10 of RDLs w/115 as the first two sets were pretty easy. I'll probably start pyramiding up in weight on these.