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  #22 (permalink)  
Old 07-17-2020, 02:42 PM
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ArgonCoagulator ArgonCoagulator is offline
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Classic Chest and Biceps Day Folks!

(Fueled by 75mg Test Base)

Bench Press
Incline Press
Incline Flyes
Barbell Curls
dumbbell Curls

I'm training 3 days a week plus 3-4 cardio session on off days, which is walking 2 laps around the lake so about 40 mins.

Training schedule is inspired by Dorian Yates's old routine when he did a 3-day split.

Mon: Back, Shoulders and Tris

Wed: Legs

Fri: Chest and Biceps

Maybe it's my genetics or metabolism but I just get better results training 3 rather than 4-5 days. I can recover from more days of training, but results seem slower and I feel like I'm just going through to motions. With a day off after each session I feel like I can go hard. With the cardio I'm active atleast 6 days a week so that's pretty good to me.
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