Ant2369’s Summer Cut Contest Log
Hello this will be my journal for the summer cut contest.
Gym protocol will be 4-5x a week 90 min split between 20-30 min cardio with the remainder weight lifting. 2-3x a week 3 mile run/walk outdoors.
Diet since I’m a “hard gainer” will be 3500Plus calories a day provided majorly by carbs and protein
Gear 2 cc a week Kalpa Test Cyp 250 split over 5 days
1 50mg Dragon Avavar per day weeks 1-3
2 50mg Dragon Avavar split am/pm weeks 4-5
1 50mg Dragon Anavar per day weeks 6-8/9
May kickstart weeks 1-3 with 50mg Balkan Winny then add Anavar
All gear from GBN store
Body stats 38 years old 5’10 168-170lbs 17-19% BF
GOAL I am/have recovered from surgery so while it’s a cutting contest my goal Is to gain as much lean muscle as possible.
Pics to follow