Here is a list of good books which you can order today online to know more about bodybuilding.
Use experience of others to get better & avoid mistakes and time loss.
1.The encyclopedia of modern bodybuilding – Arnold Schwarzenegger
This is classic and if you dont have it just order it right now. Arnold would say "DO IT NOW!"
A great way to learn smth new and get motivation from golden era.
2. Encyclopedia of bodybuilding – The Complete A-Z Book - Robert Kennedy
Who does not know who is Robert Kennedy? A well known bodybuilding expert and author of many many books. His writings are easy to read and he brings examples of best bodybuilders in the world.
3. Blood and Guts - Dorian Yates
Dorian Yates is the living example of Intense Bodybuilding Workouts.
It is an inspirational book with advices and examples to take you to next level or at least try something new.
Hope this was helpfull. Keep growing on all sides.