I got my weights from my old apartment so I'll be able to train pretty hard again! I have a nice adjustable bench from Dick's, squat stands, adjustable Dbs dumbbells up to 73lbs, Olympic bar and around 350lbs worth of plates!
I'm cruising on Kalpa Test C at 125mg every 5 days, so my strength is good but my stamina isn't as crazy as when I was running Kalpa Deca-Durabolin.
I'll try to post most of workouts and will probably continue the log once the gyms open. also, Next month I want to start Kalpa EQ 300. I'll still consider it a cruise as I'll be running lower doses.
Alright finally set up the racks on the driveway and hit it Venice Beach style! Lol Hit a Fullbody workout:
Squats (parallel)
Bar x 5
135 x 5
185 x 5
225 x 4
255 x 3
275 x 2 (
PR never went that heavy before)
285 x 1 (
PR same as above)
I felt like I could do another rep on those last two sets.
Incline Press
Bar x 15
135 x 8
155 x 8
185 x 7
Doorway Chinups (medium underhanded)
BW x 8
BW x 8
BW x 7
Good form controlled negs, not worried about reps PRs.
Closegrip Pushups (Hands Neutral)
BW x 20
BW x 15
Lateral Raises
10s x 20
20s x 15
25s x 18
Dumbbell Shoulder Press (Neutral Grip)
45s x 10
45s x 10
I was cooked after those shoulder presses. I went through two bottles of water. I took my sweet time and ended up taking about two hours. I'm not completely used to training outdoors and in a hot garage but man it feels good to lift some weight!