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Old 03-11-2020, 01:25 PM
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Huge Tom Huge Tom is offline
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Thumbs up 50 Kalpa Testoxyl Cypionate Reviews Contest [Win Free Gear]


1. If you have used or currently are on Testoxyl Cypionate from Kalpa Pharmaceuticals then you are eligible to participate in this review contest.

2. Write a short review how Testoxyl CYpionate worked/works for you in this thread and post a pic of the product. (product picture is not mandatory namely for this contest but it will add more credibility)

3. After 50 reviews, winner will be chosen randomly by his thread post number(via random. org service).
If you order more then once you can review more then once thus up your chance to win.

We will have 3 winners and each one will win 2 vials of Testoxyl Cypionate from KALPA + a 10% discount for next Kalpa non-bulk order. How does that sounds for you?

So jump on it guys and lets get the ball rolling on this contest.
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