Ok MassRoids Army, I enjoyed Push, Pull, Legs alot but I've decided to switch my routine to an Upper/Lower split with specialization on certain bodyparts, inspired by Lyle McDonald. The main reason for the switch is my wife and I are moving at the end of the week and so I won't be able to hit the gym as often as we'll be staying with her aunt who lives in a small town for about a month so an upper lower will afford me more days off while maintaining frequency per bodypart, so if I can only hit a gym once every 3 days I can still make gains. The nearest gym to her aunt's will cost me $5/day to train and the gym I want to join is a commute so I'm gonna lower my frequency until we move to the city.
Tonight I did UPPER body with a CHEST emphasis:
Bench press
bar x 12
135 x 8
185 x 8
205 x 8
205 x 7
Incline dumbbells
55 x 10
65 x 8
65 x 6
BW x 9
BW x 9
Lateral Raises
10s x 15
25s x 12
30s x 12
Barbell Curls (wide grip)
65 x 10
80 x 8
That's it! Had a pretty sick upper body pump. Took about 1hr and 20 mins, taking my time. I missed training this way!