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Old 09-05-2019, 02:02 AM
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Triptorelin is a GnRH (Gonadotropin Releasing Hormone). GnRH is a chemical that is sent from our brain to the pituitary to tell it to produce both FSH and LH. When a small pulsed dose of GnRH is injected, your pituitary receives that signal to start producing. This will result in both an increase in testosterone serum (as a result from the LH stimulation) and an increase in sperm (or egg in a female case) count. The result may be an effective jumpstart to our reproductive system for steroid users.

EFFECTS: Triptorelin is typically used as a “one shot” alternative to the time tested, 10 day, 1000iu HCG protocol used by AAS users prior to beginning Post Cycle Therapy (PCT). It is also used to kick start the reproductive system in female AAS users after a cycle to restore normal menstrual function and fertility as well as restore virility in males after a particularly suppressive cycle.

DOSING GUIDELINES:1 single 100mcg dose administered subcutaneously after all esters have cleared the body. *If normal pituitary function is not restored after the 100mcg dose, DO NOT, UNDER ANY CIRCUMSTANCES, ADMINISTER ANOTHER DOSE. At doses exceeding 100mcg, pituitary function and FSH/LH production can be permanently and irreversibly damaged (at doses of 1000mcg this drug is used as a chemical castration method through over-stimulation of the pituitary gland) THIS PEPTIDE SHOULD NOT BE USED MORE THAN FOUR TIMES PER YEAR.
"Don't be upset by the results you didn't get with the work you didn't do."

Last edited by tj805; 09-05-2019 at 02:08 AM.
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