HGH Fragment 176-191
HGH Fragment 176-191 is a modified form of amino acids 176-191 at the C-terminal region of the human growth hormone (HGH). Studies have shown that it works by mimicking the way natural HGH regulates fat metabolism but without the adverse effects on insulin sensitivity (blood sugar) or cell proliferation (muscle growth) that is seen with unmodified HGH. Like unmodified GH, the HGH fragment 176-191 stimulates lipolysis (breaking down of fat) and inhibits lipogenesis (the formation of fatty acids and other lipids in the body).
EFFECTS: HGH fragment 176-191 is meant to be 12.5 times stronger than human growth hormone (HGH) for weight loss than standard human growth hormone (HGH). Of particular note is that in studies HGH fragment 176-191 had the ability to increase IGF-1 levels which translates into the fragments ability to give anti-aging and MUSCLE SPARING EFFECTS during periods of caloric restriction such as contest prep or dieting for a special event.
DOSING GUIDELINES: HGH Fragment can be dosed at 500mcg twice per day AM/PM on an empty stomach or three times per day at 300mcg for similar effects. For best effects, one of the daily doses should be administered 30 minutes prior to exercise. HGH Fragment should be administered subcutaneously.
COUPLING: HGH Fragment 176-191 can be stacked with HGH for dramatically increased fat loss effects. A typical coupling dose would be 300mcg of HGH Fragment with 1-1.5iu of HGH three times per day or 500mcg of HGH Fragment and 2iu of HGH twice per day. HGH Fragment can also be combined with Helios and T5 for even more increased effect.
"Don't be upset by the results you didn't get with the work you didn't do."
Last edited by tj805; 09-05-2019 at 02:52 AM.