IGF-1 DES (1-3) (3AA)
IGF-1 DES: Also known as DES(1-3)IGF-1, this is what is commonly known as the very fast acting form of IGF-1 and is usually the less-preferred of the two. However, it does possess increased strength and potency (approximately ten times that of the original IGF-1, and five times that of IGF-1 LR3). Unlike IGF-1 LR3, IGF-1 DES possesses a far shorter half-life of approximately 20 – 30 minutes. Because of its faster activity and greater strength/potency, the DES variant of IGF-1 is commonly purported to achieve localized muscle growth in the site it is injected into. Although there is some truth to this, studies have demonstrated that it, like IGF-1 in general, will act systemically once it reaches capillaries and the blood stream.
EFFECTS: As with anything else, gains are diet and training dependent. A clean diet with ample amounts of quality proteins will yield dramatic results. A noticeable increase in lean mass, enhanced fat loss, increased nutrient uptake and repartitioning effects and a marked increase in strength.
DOSING GUIDLEINES: IGF-1 DES is most effectively used in the “Peri-workout” window, meaning before, during and after your workout. It is administered intramuscularly, bi-laterally, in the muscle group to be trained. Daily doses are equivalent to those of IGF-1LR3 between 50-100mcg. A typical dosing schedule for an individual using 75mcg per day would look like this: 25mcg immediately pre-workout, 25mcg at the half-way point of the workout and another 25mcg immediately post workout with a minimum of 75g of fast acting carbs/sugars consumed throughout the workout. IGF-1 DES should be utilized on workout days only and can be effectively used for 8-10 weeks before it is advised to take a 2 week break. IGF-1 DES can also be used in conjunction with PEG-MGF for extreme results, with PEG-MGF utilized on off days.
IGF-1 DES can be utilized on or off cycle as well paired with other peptides for increased effect.
"Don't be upset by the results you didn't get with the work you didn't do."