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Old 04-09-2019, 12:07 AM
jgoulett1 jgoulett1 is offline
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Default Freak of Nature II

Eating Well - Where good taste meets good health March 2019

I am in the dentist office and saw a magazine titled Eating Well with a tag line 'Where good taste meets good health'. I am always on the hunt for new recipes or tips to improve my menu. Ok, we have:

- Barbecue Chicken Smothered Baked Potatoes
(aside from the potato I think the 1/4 cup of sour cream seals the deal - no way. I ate a baked potato about 25 years ago. I do not miss it at all!)

- Pork Chops with Balsamic Sweet Onions
(Not really a pork fan however I could slice pork loin in 3/4" cutlets. The balsamic is added last and then reduced. This is doable. The recipe calls for raisins, out; 1 tablespoon butter, out; 1 tablespoon olive oil, 1/2 tablespoon will work)

- Quick King Ranch Chicken Casserole
(Various peppers, cumin, garlic, chicken. 2 ounces reduced-fat cream cheese. 1/2 cup shredded cheese. Not a chance. Taking out the cream cheese would make this dish nothing more than a baked fajita)

- Asparagus and Smoked Mozzarella Pizzettes
(Not sure why I bothered with this one. Perhaps to prove a point. They are recommending three with a cup of shredded cheese to be split between them - no way)

- Mediterranean Chicken and Chickpea Soup
(Chicken thighs and 1 1-ounce can of artichoke hearts. I would sub skinless chicken breast and cut the hearts out. The chick peas are barely passable but ok. I will make this soup.)

- Oh wait, here is a life style related article: Best Ways to Burn Body Fat
(1. Pump some iron
2. Move more. Period.
3. Go with Mediterranean cooking - I suppose, but with some modifications like we did with the soup above)

- Grilled Herb-Fennel Pork Loin and Grill-fried Potatoes
(I would try the loin or perhaps the same herb-fennel rub on chicken breast. The fried potatoes, no chance)

- A bunch of avocado recipes, no way.

- The rest were salads, sides and deserts or items that do not interest me. Like scallion pancakes, pot stickers, etc.

A friend of mind at work is an avid lifter every much as I. We had the opportunity to work together on a rather sophisticated project for our world wide audience. I told him that I would like to meet him for lunch the next time that I am in his town. He told me that we already met years ago. I was surprised to learn that I had actually been at the same group table with him for a work function 5 years ago. He explained to me that he commented to his wife that there was this older guy that was really in great shape - me! At the time he was over 310lbs. He is 5'10", my height. He told me that he went on a diet and began light lifting from that day! He lost 100lbs and
increased his lift in every area. I was humbled and told him that I was proud of him for his choices!

About 3 years ago Christine and I were walking through the produce section of one of the local markets. Selecting carrots, celery, sugar snap peas, peppers, onions, etc. These are the guilt free filler foods that I use to avoid
carbs and processed crap food. Minding our own business, yet aware of those around us, when suddenly there was a horn beeping just behind my back. I turned around and there was a tubby fellow in a motorized shopping cart. I thought where the hell did this guy come from? As I turned around he said, 'You should be talking to people!'. I asked him what he meant. He went on to explain that given my age and appearance people would listen to what I have to say. I introduced myself and Dave went on to explain that he had both knees replaced and arthritis had been giving him problems - justifying the cart. The real problem, I believe, was a sedentary life style perhaps caused by the shock of both knees. Now I have no idea if arthritis would have been in Dave's future regardless, however a sedentary life style does not help! The fact is 'knee replacement' or any type of surgical repair requires special
attention. Stretching, massive massaging, light - progressive work. Over and over, day after day until finally one day you look back and you are lifting light, on the path to life. The facts are the facts, accept them and
freekin move forward. I thanked him and bid him God's speed.

The point is this, those of us that have a life style of eating to lift and lifting for life are different than 95% of the public. We are in a unique category. Kind of like an exclusive club. I was a leader of a biker gang for over 5 years. When I was part of a that group we were different than everyone around us. Normal people were indeed 'citizens'. The reputation and presentation of gang members opened many doors of opportunity however those doors delivered negativity or dark matter. However, the seas parted everywhere we went. The doors opened by a lifestyle of lifting are beneficial to life, family and society. Now I purposely remember peoples names, ask them about themselves and encourage them for life. About 25% are interested, some are not, some are jealous - in a nasty way. For the jealous, mean ones, what are they going to do? Take a swing at you? Sure. Concerning Dave's comment regarding talking to people. He was right. When I talk to people they are peaked. Some are noticeably intimidated. Some completely misinterpret friendliness as a sexual advance. Others engage. Nonetheless the seas still part and BAM, people are engaged.
When I wear my biker vest it opens a new world. Astonishing, actually. The 'bad' girls and guys are attracted as well as the curious. One fellow asked me where I got my patches. I told him that I stripped them from a gang member after I knocked him out. He exclaimed, 'REALLY!'. I said no and we both had a good laugh. And just like that we engaged in conversation!

When I am not de-carbing I begin each morning with a deck of cards size piece of the breakfast bar described earlier. Then three eggs or a deck size piece of meat. This will be one of two carbs for the day. The walnuts, honey, thick rolled oats and blue berries. Nutrition that justifies the complex carbs. This will be 1 of 3, 4 or 5 meals depending on meal size and extreme hunger level.

Lunch options:
2 chicken breasts plain. Deck of cards portioned size of smoked turkey breast. Smoked or slow cooker beef brisket.
Optionally slightly dipped in :
- balsamic vinegar
- grey poupon mustard
- chipotle pepper sauce
- au jus

3 scrambled eggs or omelet
- tomatoes
- sweet onion
- shallots
- green onion

Salad with vegetables and SUGAR free balsamic vinaigrette. If you do not have SUGAR free balsamic vinaigrette in your area find a recipe and make enough for a month at a time.

Dinner options. Asian, Indian, Fried rice with Canadian wild rice. Italian dishes where the pasta intake can be closely regulated. For example, I have not eaten lasagna in years. A hearty soup. I have a list of recipes that I
have collected and perfected over the years. One such recipe is Sicilian Chicken. It is supposed to be shrimp based however finding clean shrimp is difficult. I will post a few recipes soon. The point of this forum entry is
several fold. First people can change. It may take time to practice behaviors that are beneficial. Slowly replacing the synapsis that formerly made dangerous or potentially harmful diet choices easy.

A couple years ago Christine and I were in a 'big box' store poking around. This big dude and his wife were right next to us looking at the same item. All of a sudden this guy said in a booming voice, 'Man, your body don't match
your hair!'. Christine burst out laughing. The guys wife was simply nodding. Smiling, actually half giggling, I looked up at the guy and said that is what happens when you lift for 40+ years. I shook his hand.

Look here. The only experts at this are those that have been practicing for years and those that are naturally inclined. The rest of us will struggle, we will have some failures, some setbacks. Keep these isolated to a single
meal/workout incident and MOVE ON! Reject negative self comments and move to improve! IF you 'come to' with an empty ice cream container on your lap or a mound of empty kit-kat wrappers all around you DO NOT despair! The body can only absorb so much fat in any given 24 hour period. Do not purge. Do not go negative. Get up, throw the reset of the ice cream away. Unwrap the rest of the kit-kats and throw them in the trash. You may be tempted to retrieve one from the trash the next day! If you do, talk to someone. Ask them to talk you off of the ledge next time. Thus the problem with the body. For most everyone IT WILL put up a fight!

As a customer at GBN I have access to the best products however if my diet is not in order the results will not be to my satisfaction. At the least make minor diet modifications and your results using GBN products and lifting
will astound you!
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