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Old 01-22-2019, 04:35 AM
ant2369 ant2369 is offline
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Default Ok this is a weird one...need help

Hello, newish to the forum need some help on my PCT. been scouring the internet and can’t find the answer so asking here. I’m doing a mild pct of 25mg proviron ed and 25mg exmestane eod. I’m about 10-12 days in and pretty much from the start I’ve noticed my asshole has been extremely itchy, worsening at night. I’ve tried preparation h, neosporin, and aquafor nothing helps. I’m trying to pinpoint which one is causing it, I vaguely remember this happening before but stupidly don’t remember which caused it. These compounds are still relatively new to my experience and with all my reading both say sides are miminal...,any help,thoughts, or advice is appreciated. I’m at the point now I may just discontinue both as I am also going in for surgery mid to late February and want to be totally off everything prior....
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