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Old 02-20-2018, 06:54 PM
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Huge Tom Huge Tom is offline
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How to prevent hair loss while on steroid cycle?

Well,best idea is to not do a steroid cycle however if you still want it then keep in mind that if you have genetic predisposition it becomes harder however the main idea is to block the DHT (dihydrotestosterone) from attaching to hair follicles that are prone to male pattern baldness and I understand that is hard to do when you are on steroid cycle.

So first thing to do is to choose steroids which less like to creat this(eq, tbol,test prop)

Second thing to do is to start with just one compound.

Third thing to do is to start with low dosage and watch carefully.

Below is a list of products which can help fighting with hair loss during steroid cycle. You can google information on each of them.

Vitamins for Hair
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