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Old 07-13-2010, 08:19 PM
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Default Advice for you!

Originally Posted by Mujita07 View Post
Milk thistle liver juice works great. It supports ur liver up to 80%. Thats my choice.
Supports the liver how? Any factual evidence supporting your statement? I'll tell you why your wrong and please be careful because if a new guy gets the wrong idea he may just think he is ok but his liver is really in no better condition than an old man.

First off, it may say that it supports the liver up to 80% but do you know why it says that? First to get you to buy the product, and second because all it has EVER been proven to do is regulate enzyme levels and over LONG periods of time has shown effective in doing so. Now, do you know what that means? Absolutely nothing at all! That means that over a very long time, milk thistle will give you stable enzyme levels and thats about it. Enzymes are your livers way of letting the body know that its damaged so for instance if you have a damaged liver, the enzymes are released into your bloodstream for a doctor to tell its damaged. Now if you have healthy enzymes and are taking milk thistle for a long period of time, all its going to do is hide the fact that something is really wrong. Milk thistle has never been proven as an effective liver aid, TRUST ME.....

LIV52 is one of the few supplements that has scientific researched background and is proven to maintain healthy and stable liver condition even while massive toxins are entering and being filtered daily.
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