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Old 11-21-2017, 07:46 AM
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this week is what I call the end of the cycle
so yesterday had normall jabs
and from next week will be lowering the doses thill just running test at trt
I find it better this way rather than stop
it will look something like
was 3 ml of test/deca/EQ
so next week will be 3ml test 2ml eq and deca
then 2ml test 2ml EQ and drop the deca
and so on till running 1/2ml test per week
will still keep log all way through and let you know how feeling and so on

my current weight is 92.3kg so nearly 10kg up from where started as was 83.9kg when started

will get some pics done by misses and upload when can
and keep log going

also do most people just drop/stop the cycle or titrate down to lessen effects
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