start of week 6
mid way now
thinks really starting to show I feel training is going great
the punmps in the gym have been great defo be keeping intra carbs too when bulking ot sure how much of difference made but really feel it helps with the pumps
said I wasn't going to step on scale this week only every weeks but stepped on and was 90.2kg so still moving up so cant complain
not sure wat should aim for but not really bothered im feeling good and can feel like im adding size
had some epic crap at weekend with deserts and stuff but hey only little bit and im already fat
have sore spot on jab this morning from last night this is first time so have to put down to jab and not gear related as been very sooth so far but cant have them perfect everytime although I don't do my own I have them done to me
any questions on how im feeling or what experenceing go ahead and ask will always be honest
oh I am not taking any AI or hgc or anything during cycle have on hand if needed but don't feel need to control it and water bloat aint going to really effect that much when I am hardly in shape anyway
maybe some gym selfies this week
or would like to see vids harder to take but may be able to slip few in while not looking like nob in gym