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Old 10-03-2017, 07:19 AM
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Default some more info on HGH and Kalpatropin Pics

HGH is really great product and if you can afford it and use at least for 3 months you will see some good improvements.
Others use it for 6 months, some use it between cycles, others at low dose just for well being.
No matter what your goal is the mixing procedure is the same.

If you are new to HGH and don't know which one to choose, I recommend going with this one: KalpaTropin HGH: Kalpa HGH

It comes from Kalpa and their quality is top notch.

Use 1ml of bac water per 10iu vial of hgh.

If you'd use half 1 cc of water, that's the same as 100 on a slin syringe. 10/100=0.1 . This would mean that 10 on the insulin syringe would
be 1 iu. So 20 would be 2 iu dose and so on. Now let's say you use 1/2 cc instead of the one (this is 50 of water on the slin syringe).
The amount doesn't change in the bottle. It's still 10 iu's.

Since you use half a cc of water 10/50, each "tick" on the slin syringe would now be .02. So now, 10 on the insulin syringe (.2 x 10= 2).
Now 10 is your 2iu's. The amount in the bottle never changes. What matters is how much water you dilute it with. It's the same for HCG.
Just take the total, divide it by the water you pit in, and this will tell you how much each "tick" on the insulin syringe is.

After mixed with bac water HGH must be kept in fridge, it is good for about 15 days.

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