Thread: HCG Bulk Offer
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Old 07-12-2010, 09:12 PM
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Samson Samson is offline
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I'm 1500mg in for my PCT (3 injections at 500mg each). In combination with Letrozole at .25mg a day, I haven't noticed a damn thing from the Hugotropin. Got it from an authorized Sciroxx rep so I'm hoping it's real. Was hoping to see increase in libido at the very least, but haven't noticed anything at all. I might not have been shut down very much though. Still I'd expect some noticeable change in either sex drive, testicular volume, or mood, but thus far in there hasn't been anything. Injecting EOD. It could be that the Letrozole is knocking down my drive because of low estrogen, but I don't sense this either. Usually when my Estrogen levels get real low I start to get minor joint aches. I'll post back in two weeks when the Hugotropin runs out and give more feedback. Thus far I'm disappointed.

Last edited by Samson; 07-12-2010 at 09:15 PM.
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