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Old 05-30-2017, 07:58 AM
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Originally Posted by andyebs View Post
well what can I say about bodybuilding and why I like it

well I would have to say that bodybuilding has changed my life and possibly saved it aswell as relationships with partner and family

before I was 30 years old I had never stepped foot in a gm before in my life
and really my life was about getting through work and waiting for weekend partys with lots drink and lots reccy drugs coke pills speed and what ever else is available even these legal highs witch have in UK witch can really fuck you up
and felt like my life was getting out of control but to change habbits of life time its hard to do
now id got quite overweight to the point my kids called me daddy pig after a kids cartoon here
so that was It it was a new year and I become the new started after jan in the gym
so no idea what I was doing or goals I just wanted to lose weight
so I went to gym as often as could but this was very much 30 mins on some cardio equipment and little go of the weight machines but not lot maybe 15 mins
but to be fair I kept eating well and the fat fell off
but I had no shape
then I started to look into bodybuilding
watching youtube vids and seeing what should be doing and then going to gym with different people I knew who trained to get to see and feel how they did it
and started to lift properly I mean to start was just full body workouts theat progressed to push pull legs then into a split routeen
I after a while found this site and found a lot of great information and decided to turn to the darkside and do my first cycle
only 500mg test e per week but will never have a cycle as good as that first lol

and then it has become my life my partner has got into it big time and we both love it
we both competed together at same show last year and although never done great felt it brung us a lot closer and now share this common goal of what we are to achieve so feel has boosted our relationship loads
plus was really good getting her into it as she preps my meals when she does hers cant complain and she does my jabs witch cant complain

I feel my weekends witch used to be about getting smashed and laying on sofa recovering next day are now about the quality time I have to spend with my misses and kids
so I feel now im a better dad than I ever have been and kids are so young they only know me as the person I am now and not who used to be they find it very strange now if they see there dad with a drink because I just never do it and speak so bad about alcohol that its just not a done thing

so to break it down I love bodybuilding because in building a better body I have also built a better life and built a better person than I used to be

also so hooked love watching all shows and anything to do with it
and living in UK means I set alarms at 3 am so can get up to watch the big shows like Olympia buts its now become yearly thing me and misses does

many thanks for reading
Andrew ebsworth
oh now 36 so 6 years of this under belt only regret was I didn't start it earlier

ps sorry for bad spelling and grammer
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