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Old 04-26-2017, 11:46 PM
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Originally Posted by erich1b View Post
Don't take me too seriously. I'm just saying that plenty of guys got plenty big without drinking some sort of supplement powder before and after a workout. The supplement industry is selling billions a year. And, it just keeps growing. Take a look at the advertising. Did the dudes hyping the product get as big as they are from the product or hard work in the gym, eating like crazy and Juice and they really didn't need the product. My own personal opinion is that you really don't need all that supplement crap. Now I'm all for protein powder supplementation, but that's it for me.
You're right on all accounts my friend except for them all being crap though.That seem's to be where we differ.In my honest opinion,the true problem lies in guys going starting a supplement thinking they will turn them into the Hulk even if they are not genetically designed to be,nor is their diet and training what it should be.Supplements can do exactly as their name implies "SUPPLEMENT" the rest of the things ive mentioned.Sadly too many hop on a supp for a week or 2,don't get the results they wrongly expected and then scream "FAKE"

Also,the only way I judge if anything works FOR ME,is like I always say,TRIAL AND ERROR.I do as much research as I can on anything BEFORE I decide to try it or not and then properly take it and honestly monitor my results closely and only after a long time taking it.Especially so with supps as they are not meds,they do take time to have an effect.They are only helping your own body produce results.Not a drug that has immediate reactions.
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