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Old 04-11-2017, 09:21 PM
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Originally Posted by andyebs View Post
im sure have more experience and trained many girls

just not sure would be something I would recommend over many other injectables
and have friend who is big big girl and she knows lot about womens cycles and coaches many people and she says stay away from test as many other choices that can have better results from less negative sides

its just not about the normal that get from everything clit large / cracky voice witch all go once come off its the out and out manly features

Hey brother,everyone has to go with what they believe.I only speak from my personal experience from those ive been involved with but that's not to say,it's the only way.Everyone has their own set of beliefs that they have to follow.

The only thing I ever tell anyone is to not go by what they "hear" and only by what they see or even better experience themselves.

As for the sides,hey brother,it goes with the territory.If someone is worried about possible sides,it may not be a wise idea to choose cycling.But aside from that,the sides that low dose of Test P can cause a woman is acceptable to most.As for the clit being enlarged,both the woman using it and the men in their lives have no complaints about that.First off,while using Prop,their sex drives goes thru the roof which is a bonus on both partners end.AN enhanced libido is never a complaint from anyone.Secondly,the enlarged clit becomes xtra sensitive making for a much easier and more intense orgasm so once again,most do not complain.I know their men sure as hell never do.LOL.

But as i've said,there is no right or wrong in this game.There is only right or wrong for YOU.This is a very individual sport so we make decisions based on our own goals,dreams,accomplishments,and reacts,good and bad to each circumstance.
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