04-10-2017, 11:23 PM
Join Date: Mar 2017
Posts: 210
Originally Posted by andyebs
do you know this woman
was your partner
what dose was she running test prop at
personally after research I would not give a test to a woman
it produces too many androgen sides in women to be the first choice
persoanally if wanted to go with injectable my choice would be nandralone
NPP due to fast acting so quick to get out if have side after few cycles if all good can move to deca
reason is It is a very mild androgen but excellent anabolic. This translates into good gains with few androgenic sides, if dose is not too high.
its rearly faked and good for joints
will always retain water with nandralone
what would be your top cycles for women
I do know her.Not wife or gf,but as a trainee.
Dosing was 2omg E3D.Normal low dose range for a female bber is around 50mg EW and for 5-10mg EW for TRT so this dose was in between.
As for not wanting to give Test to a woman due to the negative sides,I have to completely disagree with you based on all those that I have trained and monitored while taking it.As for a first choice,that's a different story as most of course start with Var or Winny.
But as with men,the dose as well as your genetics will ultimately determine how one reacts to each compound.Just as with men,when starting a new compound,it's basically a personal experiment as to how it will go.One person's perfect cycle may be a no go for another.No one can tell another person how that person will react to AAS so only by trial and error will you learn for yourself.Others can guide you through research they've read and even their own personal experience but once you start,you will find out how true those things are for you personally.Women,men,no different when it comes to that.
As for my top female cycles,again,there's no magic formula for everyone.Each person is different so I always instruct my people on cycles based on their personal experiences.
IO will post up some cycles that have yielded superb results for many with little to no sides many of which disappeared after stopping use.
Last edited by F.I.S.T.; 04-10-2017 at 11:34 PM.