04-09-2017, 08:29 PM
Join Date: Mar 2017
Posts: 210
Originally Posted by erich1b
Thanks for the reply, I've apparently struck a nerve with you. To say the only true research is trial and error shows you have no real understanding of research conducted by the scientific method. Good research aims to control as many variables as possible so you could better say that the effect is caused by whatever it is you're studying vs. some other variable. Believe what you want makes no matter to me. Caesar said "Fere libenter homines id quod volunt credunt." So, people who work in labs doing research are nerds? Shame everyone can't be cool like you?
You haven't hit a nerve.Im actually happy to see you finally posting because you seem to have been mia since the time I joined.So if anything,my posts have woken you up.That's the intended response.So thank you and you're welcome to admin.
Now as for the research,reading studies from those in controlled settings is all well and good,but until you actually try something for yourself,in the real world,which is anything but "controlled"will you know never accurately know how those things will affect you.
I don't need to read what some nerd says about AAS use because my ironclad research os the over 30 yrs ive been using,the countless people ive trained,trained with or have been clients of my gym and have monitored.Studies are wonderful to get you the insight into the basic knowledge of what a compound can do,good and bad,but only by using for yourself will you know exactly how it applies to YOU.
Ive had trainees that have started the same cycles and gotten completely different results from the same gear,same doses,same protocols,etc.WHY? Aside from that which ive already stated,their outside lives may be completely different,i.e.,work load,rest times,stress levels,etc, there is also the well known understanding that each person will react differently to any stimuli,including AAS,training,diets and so on.
As for people in labs being nerds....YES.That's just a fact.Didn't say that's a bad thing.I have son's that are nerds and I love them to death.But what they will never be able to do is read some studies and think they can debunk the 30 plus yrs of data ive acquired firsthand.
But please,by all means,keep posting your replies.It's actually good to see a "board Vet" posting.
Oh yeah,I love the nerd quote from Caesar at the end.Did he cycle or just read studies too?? LMAO.
Last edited by F.I.S.T.; 04-09-2017 at 08:32 PM.