04-09-2017, 02:21 PM
Join Date: Mar 2017
Posts: 210
Originally Posted by erich1b
I have no concern for what anyone wants to stack together. However, when information is posted saying that there is a concern that running several cycles of test malforms collagen I'd prefer to see some solid evidence that supports that rather than just accepting it as factual because someone says so. Perhaps it does? I'm just not someone who takes everything posted on Internet forums as fact. Lots of misinformation out there.
Well lets decipher through your reply.First on the statement about collagen malformations,you say "MAYBE IT DOES" which only proves you don't know.So before making a statement saying "HE DIDN'T POST OF RESEARCH ON IT SO YOU DON'T BELIEVE IT" is pointless.If you wish to find out,do the research and become enlightened.You'll find plenty of solid evidence.
Secondly,you saying you don't accept anything someone posts as factual just because they say so,well only a fool does that about anything.No where in this post did it say that "THIS IS THE ONLY WAY TO RUN CYCLES".Once again,this is from his,and my personal experiences.You saying you need research to believe it as fact is ridiculous.The only true research is trial and error.Doing something for yourself and finding how you PERSONALLY react to it.Not what some nerd in a lab says.
So once again,picking which part of the post you wish to focus on to prove your point on something you yourself stated ,"you don't know about" makes for good internet talk,but nothing else.