Thread: Letro for gyno
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Old 03-30-2017, 01:25 AM
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Default Letro for gyno

Read this yrs ago and found it to be amazing info that ive personally had many use with great success.


I am posting this thread to help answer all of the questions regarding gyno prevention and reversal, the use of letrozole and other anti-e's. I will go over everything in very simple easy to understand language. Also we are talking about estrogen gyno here, not progesterone (but using letro will stop progesterone related problems as well since it inhibits all estrogen anyways). Progesterone gyno will be enlargement of your nipple area, the actual aereola, not a lump under it.

Let me make this first point very clear, this is from my personal experience, so whether you agree with it or not is your own issue. I have helped many people with gyno and it has worked just fine for them as well.........

To first understand why you are doing what you are doing I am going to go over a few things and a few definitions:

SERM ; Selective estrogen receptor modulator. These drugs work by binding to the estrogen receptors and flooding them in a sense, making it difficult (but not impossible by any means) for estrogen to bind to the receptors and thus prevent the onset of estrogen related side effects.

Most common forms: Tamoxifen (Nolvadex), Clomiphene (clomid)

AI; Aromatise Inhibitor.
These drugs work by inhibiting the aromatization of estrogen. This means that in effect AI's prevent androgens from converting to estrogen, again, making it difficult (but not impossible) for estrogen to reach receptor sites.

Most common forms: Anastrozole (l-dex, a-dex), Exemestane (aromasin), Femera (letrozole). For our purpose of reversing gyno we are interested in letro.

Letro and your sex drive:

Letrozole will suppress your sex drive. This is another reason why it is so important to act on preventing gyno as soon as possible. Since we all know that test should be run in every cycle this will cancel out the effect of sex drive suppression.

Running Letro to prevent gyno:

If you decide to run estrogen protection while on cycle (and I suggest you do unless you are aware that you do not require it), you can run either a SERM or an AI. Letro will be the most powerful AI you can use, it will inhibit 98+% of estrogen using a dose as low as .25mg and even lower. This is why I suggest you do not use a dose higher than .50mg while on cycle just trying to prevent estrogen related side effects.

You will want to start running the letro approximately 2 weeks before you begin your cycle to allow it to fully stabilize in your blood. I have often heard the argument that Letro takes up to 60 days to stabilize, I don't know if I buy into this for the reason that I have reversed gyno after using Letro for only 1 week. Still to be safe I recommend starting it before your cycle as stated above.

If you do decide to run Letro there is absolutely no need to run another AI or SERM. Do not make the mistake of thinking more is better. Think of it this way; if Letro is preventing the conversion of androgens to estrogen than there is no estrogen, what would the purpose of a SERM be when there is no estrogen to bind to the receptors? Nolva will only take away from the effectiveness of Letro.

This brings me to my next point. Do not listen to anyone who tells you to bump up your nolvadex to 60+mg ED if you get gyno. I have no idea where this idea started but I have seen it suggest far too many times recently. Nolvadex will do nothing to reverse your gyno, let me make that clear IT WILL DO NOTHING FOR GYNO. If you are running nolva as your anti-e and start to develop gyno than sure you can bump the dosage a small amount to try to prevent it from progressing further, but Letrozole must begin ASAP.

It is very important that you begin taking Letrozole immediately, the longer your wait the more risk you take in not being able to reverse it.

How do I know if I have gyno?

If you have developed gyno you will have a lump behind your nipple. It will be fairly hard, and it will be tender to touch.
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