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Old 03-22-2017, 06:10 PM
thebodyman thebodyman is offline
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Default cleaning out your liver

I know I was just reading an old thread on liver protection, and I wanted to share what I have learned. Liv52 is good to help protect the liver, and yes milk thistle does help to protect liver. What you don't hear a lot about in bro science, is how to clean out the liver. Most anabolic users will have fat in their liver. This is natural because the gear stores fat into the muscles, and when the muscles can't take in anymore fat, the next place it is stored is your liver. That being said, this is how to rid your liver of the stored fat, and clean it. Take 3000mgs of Choline, and 3000mgs of Inositol a day for 30 days. If this mix causes the runs, take calcium to counter the runs. The Choline and Inositol will clean the liver out, squeezing all the fat out. You may also add L methionine with this, for added benefits of cleaning, and softning of skin. I hope this helps those who didn't already know this.
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