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Old 01-29-2017, 03:45 AM
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Default Test C 3rd Cycle Complete

I finished second cycle on Test C about 3 weeks ago. I'm doing Clomid and Nolva post. This is my analysis. Actually it is important to me that i communicate this to anyone else similar to me. (Because its a life changer!)

First of all, I'm 52. Over the last two years I've done the three cycles. I've used Kalpa for last 2 cycles after my local guy dropped off. I use 3 250 bottles and i stretch it out over about 5 months. I have had no side effects at all. The clomid/Nolva has worked for me for post therapy with no problems getting back to normal.

That's all good, but this is the great part. After a lifetime of being thin or skinny or a hard gainer...whatever you want to call it. I broke through and actually developed a body that is impressive. I'm 52 and for the first time in my life, i have women telling me im sexy and shit like that. I am in better shape than i have been my whole life.

I dont really follow a strict set schedule. I start with a good dose the first two weeks then toggle it down consistently until i'm out. Thats how it works out to be 5 months.

The only problem I had is during the first two cycles, i started blasting some weight. It was fun, I was putting on big plates at the gym and loving it. Well, I did some damage to my shoulders. Probably a combination of bad mechanics and too much weight. Didn't bother me too much, I just lowered the weight and did more reps. I'm a salesman, not a bodybuilder, so that was fine.

Everything has just worked out perfectly. My friends are kind of left behind because im scoring better ladies than they are and I do make sure they know it. I can where a t-shirt and show some pump in the biceps and my shirt is falling off my chest, not my belly. It's just a whole different feeling. This ain't about being a badass either. I just feel bigger and stronger and it has a psychological affect.

The reason I wanted to post this is should some other older guys be checking it out, i say go for it. It could change your life.
"It doesn't matter what you go through as long as you go through it and come out the other side!"
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