Originally Posted by Gwhiz2517
Hi I'm gonna start a 10 week cycle as a beginner and was wandering if test e 250 once a week and 50mg a day dianobol would be a good platform to start off from.what week would you start nolvadex on or closed.can anybody give me some advice and help me with this or recomend a beginners cycle,thanks. 👍👍👍
You don't need to be doing both compounds as a beginner, one OR the other will be fine.
Personally I would suggest Test E at 500mg(2ml) per week for 10 weeks, this is a fairly standard first cycle and will give good results. (keep the Dianabol for a future cycle)
As for Nolva, if you're using it to help prevent side effects then you start at 1 tablet a day for the duration of the cycle, Although a lot of people will keep the Nolva close just incase any symptoms start to show, then they would start the nova at 2 tablets per day until the symptoms subside and then carry on at 1 tablet per day for the remainder of the cycle.
If you're going to be using the Nolva for Post Cycle Therapy, then you would wait for 2 weeks after your last injection then start the Nolva at 2 tabs per day for 7 days then reduce to 1 tab per day for a further 14 to 21 days.