Thread: T-3
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Old 11-16-2016, 11:17 PM
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Originally Posted by stillgoingstron View Post

Sack your nutritionist. All you've done basically is starve yourself! It's all about insulin. Carbs raise insulin which promotes fat gain. You're metabolism isn't shot. You just need to understand why carbs make you fat and that eating fat spares muscle loss as long as you eat enough of it.

I understand how eating carbs help gain muscle due to the insulin boosting effect etc etc etc but you're obviously someone who doesn't do well on carbs. Don't be scared of eating fat. Be more scared of starving yourself!

Starve myself wasn't the go to option, it was literally last resort.

I don't fully understand the thyroid, but I get some of it. My t3 count is low, but my dr only cares about TSH, no matter what my t3 number is. A body builder at my gym with same issue says his doctor hates that, but his is a sports doctor, which is expensive.

Furthering the challenge, the thyroid output and conversion of T4 to T3 can be impacted by macro choice. I read that low carb can actually have an adverse impact on my thyroid, doing the opposite of my original intent. A thyroid signaling an inadequate amount of t3 can reduce metabolic rate by 25% or more. Which I read impacts fat metabolism and impairs insulin sensitivity, which is likely why I have to go to extremes.

After setting whatever nutrient goal we came up with, we'd then push the workout intensity to try to cut the calories. This would have some impact, but just as fast stop working.

When I was on low carb, I mostly kept protein high, hopefully to maintain thyroid function.

Like I said, I was able to lose weight eventually, but it took serious cutting of calories and a shit ton of cardio.

My fear now is blowing that up having to go into high caloric intake to maximize muscle.

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